Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The one exception

For us staunch opponents to the death penalty, this is really a tough one.


Mr roT said...

I am glad we agree here, Pepe. For me it's a no-brainer, though. The dilemma would come if someone proposed torturing this creep to death.

Arelcao Akleos said...

By no means is this guy the "one exception" who deserves death, not even close.

Pepe le Pew said...

Before any philosophical considerations, the main problem with the death penalty is guilt and the possible discrepancy between the verdict and the reality of guilt (eg le pull-over rouge). In this case, with the video, the testimony of the sister combined with the confession, that is a moot point.
The story is also so incredibly horrific, even mother theresa would find it challenging to find any sympathy for the guy.
I can't think of many other such instances.

Pepe le Pew said...

the other frequent argument is that the perpetrator is often some simpleton with a single digit iq, barely able to understand what he has done, and arguably more deserving of assistance than punishment. In this case, the guy is just a fully conscious pervert that has no regard for human life. It seems the Mansons were in the same boat.

Tecumseh said...

Glad to see that there still are still some glimmers of rationality in that pinko haze. Maybe there is some room there to warm up to cartesian logic? Hmmm... Naahhh...

Pepe le Pew said...

And how would you suggest that cartesian logic be applied to capital punishment in general?

Mr roT said...

We could pull the left arm in the (-1,1,0)-direction, the right arm in the (1,1,0)-direction, the left leg in the (-1,-1,0)-direction, and the right leg in the (1,-1,0)-direction.
The tension applied could increase linearly in time, and a stake could be driven in the (0,0,-1)-direction.
This is what you mean by Cartesian?

Tecumseh said...

A valiant attempt, JJ, but Cartesian coordinates are not the same thing as Cartesian logic: Descartes’ thinking extended out of a pre-existing separation that was, in the European context, already well established in a major way through the Catholic church. All he did was turn it into a science, partly as a means to take over from the Church, in the same way that the bourgeoisie/merchant class, using Cartesian thinking, took over from the aristocracy and began what is now called Capitalism.

Tecumseh said...

How about these guys? Would hanging by their thumbnails be fit punishment?

Mr roT said...

Stalin lives

Pepe le Pew said...

boys will be boys