Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Social Conservatism Run Amuk

Seven of the fifty states in the Union have made it illegal for a non-related penis and vagina to dwell in the same household. North Dakota is one of the seven:
"The North Dakota law has been on the books since statehood [1889], and lists cohabitation as a sex crime, along with rape, incest and adultery... The attempts at repeal failed in the last two legislative sessions."
This is one of my Libertarian polemics against Social Conservatism. Any one of you neo-cons wanna remark on this?
Note: Tracy Potter is a historian and personal friend of mft's.
Today's Tories Assimilate with Planet Pepe
The Tory paradigm shift in late-20th century British Politics:
"Twenty or even 10 years ago, it would have been inconceivable that the historic left-right divide in British politics could have taken this form. Old leftist friends of mine from the 1960s are now on Labor's front bench and staunchly defend the overthrow of Saddam Hussein as a part of the noble anti-fascist tradition, while dyed-in-the-wool reactionaries are warning against American hubris. I keep having to pinch myself... I can't easily adjust to the fact that for the first time in memory, there is nothing intimidating about the British Conservative Party."
Al Queda is going to respect that.
"Twenty or even 10 years ago, it would have been inconceivable that the historic left-right divide in British politics could have taken this form. Old leftist friends of mine from the 1960s are now on Labor's front bench and staunchly defend the overthrow of Saddam Hussein as a part of the noble anti-fascist tradition, while dyed-in-the-wool reactionaries are warning against American hubris. I keep having to pinch myself... I can't easily adjust to the fact that for the first time in memory, there is nothing intimidating about the British Conservative Party."
Al Queda is going to respect that.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Unclear on the Concept
Besides raising general awareness, Marsh said the [porn addiction awareness] site invites people to rethink looking at pornography and provides resources for help in an anonymous setting. Marsh said the pornography issue is one that doesn't just affect Baylor students. "The bigger issue is that our entire culture is saturated with sensuality, whether that be college students or people out of college," he said. "The problem is everywhere."
[And now, the punchline] The site was funded by a grant from McLennan County's abstinence program, McCAP.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I htought porn (like booze) as a replacement for women.
[And now, the punchline] The site was funded by a grant from McLennan County's abstinence program, McCAP.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I htought porn (like booze) as a replacement for women.
Unemployed Locksmith Jimmys Sister
A film and a book are planned about the Stübings, who remain defiant about breaking one of the few remaining sexual taboos in western society.
"Few remaining taboos"? Rich!
Yo, Pepe! The German state will have to get their laws off his body! Whaddaya think?
"Few remaining taboos"? Rich!
Yo, Pepe! The German state will have to get their laws off his body! Whaddaya think?
Topless American Idol: Antonella Barba

I first heard about this while walking past a television last evening. O'Reilly was on, shaming the rest of America (not his viewers; that's bad for ratings) for this debauchery. I looked toward my brother, and while grinning, we both agreed it was just such a tragedy.
Excerpt: "At least half the people in this town have pictures of their friends on the toilet. I've personally seen at least 20. It's only because she's on TV that they're online."
Sounds like a regional photo-pissing obsession to me.
Note: topless pics, anyone? Done. More here, in flagranto.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Blair and British Politik — nice work, Tony...

Politically it makes sense for Blair to pull troops from Iraq, thus making Pepe feel a victory. Yet to put more in Afghanistan still makes him a viable contributor to the war on al queda.
Note: the pics are especially for Pepe who has suggestively requested that we provide him photos of men with big guns.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A hypothetical
Had the neocons focused on afghanistan rather than invade iraq, would ahmadinejad be in the position to thumb his nose at the int'l community today?
Attn: literary Hackers and Skimmers... know who you are. I was gonna read this article by Alan Riding, but I found myself pressed for time so I skimmed it. Check it out. ~mft
binnie's back
Almost five and a half years ago, America — united by the shock of 9/11 — understood exactly what it needed to do. It had to find, thwart and take down the command structure of Al Qaeda, which was responsible for the deaths of 3,000 innocent people on American soil. Despite years of costly warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq, America today is not significantly closer to that essential goal.
At a crucial moment, the Bush administration diverted America’s military strength, political attention and foreign aid dollars from a necessary, winnable war in Afghanistan to an unnecessary, and by now unwinnable, war in Iraq. Al Qaeda took full advantage of these blunders to survive and rebuild. Now it seems to be back in business.
At a crucial moment, the Bush administration diverted America’s military strength, political attention and foreign aid dollars from a necessary, winnable war in Afghanistan to an unnecessary, and by now unwinnable, war in Iraq. Al Qaeda took full advantage of these blunders to survive and rebuild. Now it seems to be back in business.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
A sorority that thinks of us
They judged 23 of the women insufficiently committed and later told them to vacate the sorority house.
The 23 members included every woman who was overweight.
Pinko lefty NYT journalists sure don't understand what makes a worthy sorority.
The 23 members included every woman who was overweight.
Pinko lefty NYT journalists sure don't understand what makes a worthy sorority.
Those Dreaded Biking MIlitants
An Ugly Dusk Looms over Pakistan
A lost cause, of course, to hope that among the Soc-lings there is any residue hatred for this after so much Hatred has been consumed in the sick joke of huntin' for neocon.
An Ugly Dawn Looms Over Versailles
The hopeful question sounds: " Can't we still Hate? Neocons will yet walk the Earth, right? And we really really Hates 'em".
banana republic
Nearly all of the dismissed prosecutors had positive job reviews, but many had run into political trouble with Washington over immigration, capital punishment or other issues, according to prosecutors and others. At least four also were presiding over high-profile public corruption investigations when they were dismissed.
Friday, February 23, 2007
paper tiger
On planet cheney, the us could conceivably win a war against iran, all the while being on the losing end of and endless battle with insurgents in iraq, failing at controlling a civil war and slowly losing afghanistan back to the taliban. ahmadinejad must be losing sleep over this threat.
Tasty Monsters from Davy Jones' Locker
Hmmm,,, Monster stewed in tomatoes, red wine, and garlic, Monster grilled with lemon, garlic, and white wine. Monster ringed, breaded, and oil fried, Monster..... 50 Ways to Cook Your Monster
Better Tour Results Through French Chemistry
A new oxymoron enters English: " Of Gallic Competence".
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Paris Hilton and Russian aluminum boots
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Coanda UFO
Powwww!! Hey, JJ, where's my jeroboam?
Our UAV is capable of vertical take off, fully controlled flight, hovering and landing on a specified point. By using the Coanda principle to create lift, it has very little downwash and is aerodynamically stable. To date all prototypes have been battery powered, but the design is scalable and the larger versions will have internal combustion engines. The craft will be most useful in urban environments, where its ability to hover and fly close to and within buildings will enable close quarter surveillance and intelligence gathering. Having no exposed rotating parts, brushes with walls etc., do not compromise the craft’s flight.
Still waiting....
Our UAV is capable of vertical take off, fully controlled flight, hovering and landing on a specified point. By using the Coanda principle to create lift, it has very little downwash and is aerodynamically stable. To date all prototypes have been battery powered, but the design is scalable and the larger versions will have internal combustion engines. The craft will be most useful in urban environments, where its ability to hover and fly close to and within buildings will enable close quarter surveillance and intelligence gathering. Having no exposed rotating parts, brushes with walls etc., do not compromise the craft’s flight.
Still waiting....
Tooling up the world cerebrium

James Tooley's "findings are surprising, and they bear directly and profoundly on the relief of extreme poverty all over the world. (Name me a more important issue than that.) The reason you haven’t heard of James Tooley is that his work is something of an embarrassment to the official aid and development industry. He has demonstrated something that many development professionals would rather not know—and would prefer that you not know, either."
That is, private schools are doing a better job educating the poor in Africa and Asia than the state school counter. In Tooley's analysis, "Better results are what they [the students of private schools] get. After comparing test scores for literacy and basic math, Tooley has shown that pupils in private schools do better than their state-school equivalents—at between a half and a quarter of the per-pupil teacher cost. In some places, such as Gansu, China, the researchers found that private schools serving the poor had worse facilities than comparable state schools; in Hyderabad, they were better equipped (with blackboards, desks, toilets, drinking water, and so on). Regardless, the tests so far show that private-school students do better across the board.
If you fellahs wanna read the entire article, let me know. Here's Tooley's website at Newcastle University.
petty thieves and purse-snatchers...

Canadian Multi-Cultural Panel weighs in on the matter: "Firefighters look at the ruins of the World Trade Center after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. A speaker at last weekend's Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security meeting in Toronto, which brought together national security officials and community representatives, said Muslims were not involved in the 9/11 attacks and claimed seven of the 19 alleged hijackers were "alive and well." The discussions were set up three years ago to engage the country's ethnic communities in Canada's fight against terrorism.
Photograph by : Chris Hondros, Getty Images
note: JJ linked this article within a previous post, but after reading the content it warrants a bit broader exposure.
Le Pen channels Pepe
on education, pedagogy, and the mathematical need for babes
For one reason or another, there's been a flurry of articles trying to explain why American kids suck at math. A day or two ago we got some gibberish about taking math tests in a room full of babes in bikinis. Here's another couple angles on the matter:
1.) A child's belief in their own intelligence, and how that influences their intellectual development.
2.) ...and why we need babes in bikinis to take away the anxiety during math testing.
1.) A child's belief in their own intelligence, and how that influences their intellectual development.
2.) ...and why we need babes in bikinis to take away the anxiety during math testing.
Ogling For Allah
If the Geology gig goes Gaia on our favorite Patalonista, there is always gainful employment down there in Islam Way
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Good Confluences
A Question from "All Things Beautiful"
As one of that distrusted minority, imagine how gloriously distrusted we will be once we've organized ourselves into a terror network and freely indulge in purse snatching and petty fog-- er, crime.
Doctor Gore
So, Bush is Bond's CIA homeboy? Mark Steyn is M? Pepe is Ciphre, poker playing Versaillian with a bloody tear running down his eye? Hillary is the biddy from Smersh with the poison tipped metal bladed shoes of death? It almost casts itself......BUT, who is BOND??
Ben Stein wants us to be rich (don't read this, Pepe)

I've always enjoyed Ben Stein, whether I agree with his monotone points or not (not long ago he was calling for a sort of redistributionist tax system that took money from the wealthy to give to soldiers — I didn't think the U.S. needed any sort of Soldier of Fortune military). This article has nothing to do with Soldier of Fortune, but rather explains how to make money: read the instructions, and pay attention. It's often just technical rather than theoretical. At least how Ben Stein presents it. It sounds awfully plausible...
The Day Peter Singer Didn't Kill His Mother
This guy is good--up to the last paragraph. On his right sidebar he has other articles.
News you can use
flip ... flop
'I think that Donald Rumsfeld will go down in history as one of the worst secretaries of defense in history,'' McCain said to applause.
The comments were in sharp contrast to McCain's statement when Rumsfeld resigned in November, and failed to address the reality that President Bush is the commander in chief.
''While Secretary Rumsfeld and I have had our differences, he deserves Americans' respect and gratitude for his many years of public service,'' McCain said last year when Rumsfeld stepped down.
it sounds like even the staunchest war supporters are distancing themselves from it.
The comments were in sharp contrast to McCain's statement when Rumsfeld resigned in November, and failed to address the reality that President Bush is the commander in chief.
''While Secretary Rumsfeld and I have had our differences, he deserves Americans' respect and gratitude for his many years of public service,'' McCain said last year when Rumsfeld stepped down.
it sounds like even the staunchest war supporters are distancing themselves from it.
helpless Europe; another study
Just a week or two ago I remember reading or hearing about how European countries were so much better than Britain and America in the welfare treatment of children. Now this story today.
AI, it also looks like we need another study: "Living in a household where no one works affects both children's current living conditions, and the conditions in which they develop by lack of an appropriate role model," according to the study.
AI, it also looks like we need another study: "Living in a household where no one works affects both children's current living conditions, and the conditions in which they develop by lack of an appropriate role model," according to the study.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Drip, Drip, Drip......
Suleiman's gang of obscure paranoidists continue their assault on the sensibilities of Friends of Pepe (Le Paponista )[FOPS]
Suleiman the Magnificent
Pepe, meet Courage. Courage, mee.......Sacre Bleu, that Pepe runs swift!
"Reported by Al-Masree Al-Yawm (The Egyptian Today), with thanks to Dalia.
The article is in Arabic. Here’s my translation:
Family of Al-Azhar Student, Accused of “Contempt of Religion”, Disowns Him Before His Court Verdict Session
Written by Nabeel Abu Shal and Tamer Al-Sharqawy
The family of Al-Azhar student Abdul Kareem Nabeel Suleiman, accused of “contempt of religion”, has disowned him before his court verdict session on the upcoming Thursday. His father, a retired mathematics teacher, has demanded applying the Sharia [Islamic law] ruling on him by giving him three days to repent, followed by having him killed if he does not announce his repentance.
The father of the Al-Azhar student, who is accused of contempt of the Islamic religion, harming the reputation of Egypt, and inciting to disrupt the peace and to overthrow the regime, has decided to rescind from boycotting his trial hearing sessions. [He has decided] to attend the court verdict session with his four brothers, who completely memorized the Holy Quran, to announce disowning the accused Abdul Kareem inside the court room, in order to reduce the embarrassment and pressure that civil rights organizations are applying on the court panel.
The father of the accused also described the organizations that are working on having his son acquitted as “monkey rights” organizations, in his own words. He also described his son as the “monkey” who has imitated the atheists of the West in their intellectual thinking.
The family also said that they will announce their disownment of their son on the Internet as well..."
"Reported by Al-Masree Al-Yawm (The Egyptian Today), with thanks to Dalia.
The article is in Arabic. Here’s my translation:
Family of Al-Azhar Student, Accused of “Contempt of Religion”, Disowns Him Before His Court Verdict Session
Written by Nabeel Abu Shal and Tamer Al-Sharqawy
The family of Al-Azhar student Abdul Kareem Nabeel Suleiman, accused of “contempt of religion”, has disowned him before his court verdict session on the upcoming Thursday. His father, a retired mathematics teacher, has demanded applying the Sharia [Islamic law] ruling on him by giving him three days to repent, followed by having him killed if he does not announce his repentance.
The father of the Al-Azhar student, who is accused of contempt of the Islamic religion, harming the reputation of Egypt, and inciting to disrupt the peace and to overthrow the regime, has decided to rescind from boycotting his trial hearing sessions. [He has decided] to attend the court verdict session with his four brothers, who completely memorized the Holy Quran, to announce disowning the accused Abdul Kareem inside the court room, in order to reduce the embarrassment and pressure that civil rights organizations are applying on the court panel.
The father of the accused also described the organizations that are working on having his son acquitted as “monkey rights” organizations, in his own words. He also described his son as the “monkey” who has imitated the atheists of the West in their intellectual thinking.
The family also said that they will announce their disownment of their son on the Internet as well..."
Il lago del diablo
Shockingly, there are multiple locations in the United States with the name "Devil's Lake." A very heated war broke out here regarding which one should be featured, whether a disambig page was needed, even over the usage of the apostrophe- eventually literally degenerating into "my lake is better than yours!"
THAT's How to Run a Business!
Nos freres allemands seem to be getting anxious about Messerschmidt having sang impur. Look out Sudetenland! Croatia gets into the act, too.
Pyongyang Rabbit Camps

"Smolinsky says a giant [German] rabbit needs to eat about two pounds of food a day. That's twice as much as the North Korean government distributes to many of its people to survive."
North Korea,
Tall Rabbit Tales
Pepe and mft: the singular crossing point of worldviews

"During a recent protest by angry bar owners at O'Toole's, several dozen people crowded the pub to light up cigars and cigarettes, but after police arrived everyone put out their smokes."
...and then they'll come for your marbled ribeyes, your single malt, your olive oil, your confit, your butter, your heavy cream, etc. It's good to see a little civil disobedience on the big island. Here's the scene in Dakota.
North Dakota
Energizer Binnie
The Binnie Boyz keep comong back. So what will Pepe's reply be? Don't Worry Be Happy? It's Just Molotov Cocktails? Far Away From Versailles? It's All Bush's Fault!!!! All of the above? Whatever it is, it surely will not address the "root cause" (a favorite pinko-lefty construct). To wit, we need to kill these guys dead, and keep them this way. Anything else is just wanking up the wazoo in Waziristan.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Here's another review by Harvey Klehr, this time of a book about Oppenheimer. A complicated figure, that's for sure. By the way, did you know about him "poisoning his tutor's apple, an act that almost got him charged with attempted murder"? You don't say! I wonder what would happen to your randomn grad student if he tried such a stunt with a prof -- you think he'd get in hot water?
oral sex ? no thank you very much
i had the same thing once after dining at Juan's flying burritos. only it came out the other end. damn texmex.
Yet another test
Save the sex addicts
He argues that other workers with worse offenses were disciplined less severely -- including a couple who had sex on a desk and were transferred.
AI! New Ammo!
[C]ommentators drilled in every unbecoming association (“tax and spend liberal,” “big government liberal,” “ivory tower liberal,” “limousine liberal,” “commie, hippie, purple haired, weak kneed, bleeding heart, limp-wristed, weepy eyed, take your choice liberal”).
Where is Coanda when you need him?
Of course, Pepe will say, these are just a bunch of random guys, throwing the odd Molotov cocktail, so don't worry, be happy. Whence the labels.
Don't Worry Be Happy,
Molotov cocktails
The Gouzenko Affair
Arguably, Gouzenko's defection in Ottawa in September 1945 was the starting point of the Cold War. Some nitty, Amy Knight, wrote a book about it. Harvey Klehr, a very smart prof from Emory, rips her a new one in a review that escaped me before.
North Dakota "snow angel" record...
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A brilliant career
Papon was promoted five times during the war, becoming police supervisor in the Gironde from 1942-44. Afterward, he became cabinet director of Gaston Gusin, named by de Gaulle to administer Bordeaux when the Germans pulled out in August 1944. ... After the war, Papon enjoyed a brilliant political career, easily slipping into the machinery of the postwar state. He rose to become Paris police chief under then-President Charles de Gaulle in 1958, holding the post until 1967. He was named budget minister in 1978 under President Valery Giscard d'Estaing and kept the post until 1981. ... Because of Papon's credentials, and efforts at the highest levels to shield him, the case dragged through France's legal system. In 1994, President Francois Mitterrand admitted he had intervened to stall the case.
The Godfather, Part II

He is a more modest man: a mere mafia don, seizing the economic resources and political power of a country for himself and his mostly KGB cronies. And promoting his vision of the Russian national interest — assertive and expansionist — by engaging in diplomacy that challenges the dominant power in order to boost his own.
Pepean search engine
Ah, I get it! That's where he gets all the wisdom he imparts to the unwashed masses. Thank you, Pepe, thank you.
Royal rulz!

Actually, I agree with Royal on this one: why would the French even attempt at buiding an aircracft carrier? We all know that they wouldn't even be able to operate it properly (look what happened last time they tried), and, if push came to shove (even if attacked by a dinghy), they would promptly surrender. So, OK, just hand out the money to the rubes, buy some votes from the Nanny State addicts, and get it over with, already: I'm waiting for my jeroboam of VCP from JJ.
Friday, February 16, 2007
I'll let you fellahs dissect this...

Read and comment. Hillary, as of 10/10/2002, is first up:
...So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.
Haters Throughout History,
The Clintons
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