Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Coming Gutting of Geert
So, should we make a little wager as to when he gets the Theo van Goch ---Pym Fortune treatmetn? You have to pick a three month window, e.g from start of August to end of October. [that's my choice]. Winner gets a Molson, Not Lite!
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Do they make Stout or Porter in the Far West? Hmmm... Unless the Dutch Police watch Geert round the clock (even when he goes to the john), it looks like his changes of not getting the VanGogh-Fortuyn treatment are close to 0. But I still must say I greatly admire his courage. Of course, the MSM bestows "profile in courage" accolades to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that "speaks truth to power" and cusses at Bush/Cheney -- big whoops. Let's see them praising Geert's cojones, though. Hah, don't make me lough.
One can only hope you are right and one challenge would be to encourage the islamists to expand their efforts and travel south for le pen. perhaps we should set up a fund to encourage them?
But first they must practice on Anonymous
this board has many, much more satisfying targets than anonymous, fortunately for me.
No throat cuts as sweet, Anonymous, as the one which has warbled its fealty to the Throat-Cutter
aa - i really don't mind your living mentally in a lalaland of bloodthirsty fraydom-haters bent on cutting the throats of your wives and kids but i do believe you are confusing intent with ability.
I for one would truly love to funnel some of the excess gold at fort knox into my own pockets. sadly, i lack a plan as well as the technical ability to do so and temporarily resign myself to being a working stiff until the opportunity for my dream to materialize comes true. Strangely, the authorities aren't too worried by my fantasy. Or at least i hope they aren't.
but "what of thetragiceventsof911?", you say. Doesn't that demonstrate the ability of the enemy to do us harm? all this actually demonstrated was an ability under ideal circumstances (ridiculously lax airport security combined with inept intelligence) to knock down a couple of buildings. This is obviously certainly something to worry about, but it doesn't justify the unrelated warmongering that has ensued with its phenomenal cost in treasure and innocent iraqi lives. and it certainly isn't a license for your blind and undifferentiated hatred of all things muslim.
Before sifting through Anonymous' dribble, to see what seeds of reason were excreted through the bladder of the Gaul, what gives with you cowardly folk? I've staked out my three month window where I wager Geert gets gutted, where are placing your wager? C'mon, a genuine Molson brew, as Obama can tell you, should not be wasted.
mft's selection: June-July-August (2007). Newspapers (save the Danish Front) will be able to pass it off as a sort of The Heat Got To 'Em story. Why not, eh? Shakespeare utilized such vehicles as the summer's heat to bring on feuding, killing and drama.
Hmmm this sifting through dribble in search of seeds of reason sometimes just ain't worth it. Apparently Anonymous claims Geert's head can rest easy tonight because, after all, what are the odds 911 will happen tomorrow?
Now a YankRuber might surmise Geert is thinking locally. Ya know, on the order of "the last three local folks prominent for standing against Islam Militant have either been kicked out of the country [Hirsan Ali] or are rotting like John Brown in the grave [Pym Fortun and Theo Van Gogh]. So by speaking against IM I join a hit list with a history. Fuck it, we all die one day" . And what we're doing, I would like to think, is have a friendly little wager as to when Geert gets whacked. His pain, our gain. Surely Anonymous would not deny that is the Nawlin way. And I do believe Geert, if he could, would join us in the wager.
Now what exactly does Anonymous' theory that surely lightning can't strike twice in the same place have to do with all this?
C'mon, ante up
Excellent, MFT now we just need to get the three others to place their pride on the line
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