Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Drip Drip Drip

Just another little incident for the MSM to ignore and N'awlin versaillians to pretend never happened.


Mr roT said...

Sulejman? As in the Magnificent? Wasn't he a pope or something?

Tecumseh said...

Good catch, AA -- the story had flown below my radar screen up to now. Yes, the clues are not enough to lead to any inferences by the MSM -- their anti-Sherlock Holmesian attitude gets pushed to the extreme in situations like this. On the othe hand, wiki takes the plunge on the first line, and uses the M word -- but of course, nothing is inferred from that. Pepe can sleep well, nothing to see herre, all is normal, be happy.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Between Magnificent and Papa, JJ, which would you choose?

I am sure Sulejman was simply venting his frustration Real Salt Lake's futboling

Tecumseh said...

To answer JJ's question: Suleiman is just Solomon, slightly changed, so maybe the guy was a neocon? That would wake up the MSM, for sure.

Mr roT said...

I was thinking more of this great hero.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Even the Onion wouldn't give him that Head

Anonymous said...

Pepe can sleep well, nothing to see herre, all is normal, be happy.
?? What should be inferred from this story ?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Nothing, Pepe. Hit the snooze. Time for another Parisian-recommended nap.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I don't know about the day of reckoning -- Evangelists and you eco-Leftists are better at predicting that. I do know that the string of bombings in New York, London, Madrid, and D.C. have caused me to raise an eyebrow.

My Frontier Thesis said...

...and why do they hate us so? Well, they aren't fond of our book reviews of the Qu'ran just like Evangelists aren't fond of book reviews of the Bible. Today, the former will still get you a fatwa, the latter will usually generate warning coughs or banishment from congregations.

Anonymous said...

I do know that the string of bombings in New York, London, Madrid, and D.C. have caused me to raise an eyebrow.
Yeh - it's a toss between salt lake cities & topeko, ks in terms of high-visibility places to raze. Next thing you know, they'll be headed straight to SD.

The muslim paranoia on this board is truly entertaining.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Your Ameri-phobia is just as enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

mft - you are really taking my neocophobia for ameriphobia: i assure you i have other options than living here and do so by choice.

Arelcao Akleos said...

So Anonymous likes to crap where he eats, the delicate flower of France.

My Frontier Thesis said...

You have other options than living here? That doesn't make sense. What do you mean by that?

I could say something equally profound: "I have the option to live anywhere in the world." Wow. That was epochal, mft. Tell us something else...

And yes, I'd agree that you are also Neo-con-phobic. Some neo-cons disturb me quite a bit too (especially the religious types). But that doesn't cover it all, especially considering your incessent slander towards America as a whole. So witty. So clever all the time. I'll bet you have a clever retort.

Arelcao Akleos said...

As a shameless Neocon, just not a Neocon Neocon, I will wear the Black Letter proudly [after all, Scarlet is for Versaillian Pimpernels]

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, wouldn't you be a Neo-Can[-adian] now?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I fight it with all my heart and soul, MFT. Already I can feel the icy grip of hockey moving up to my heart....and when it reaches, kaput!

My Frontier Thesis said...

Don't resist it, AA. It'll only make it worse. Remember: this hurts the Canadians more than it hurts you.

Anonymous said...

I will wear the Black Letter proudly
and rightly so: you are reaching that critical mass that qualifies you for protection under the endangered species act.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Snail Darter and I" coming soon to your local neighborhood Mikey Moore flick house