Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pointing to the Glorious Future

The Pinko God watches benevolently over the East Village natives. The clock is a bit odd, but apart for that, alles klar.


My Frontier Thesis said...

In reference to the statue and ideology it represents, I'll defer to this previous post.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, this editorial review and book might also be of interest to you (unless you're already aware of Mr. Conquest).

Tecumseh said...

I read much about Robert Conquest for the past few decades, and even bits and pieces of what he wrote (the Ukraine famine is the first thing that comes to mind), but not a full book by him, alas. He's one the greats -- helped put the Pinko God where he belongs: in the ash-heap of history (or on a Village terrace, whatever, dude).

Arelcao Akleos said...

or maybe just sojourning in Habana awaiting his Resurrection

Tecumseh said...

Rather, his Apostle in Habana is waiting to kick the bucket, heh?