Don't worry, be happy, JJ says. And in related news, Iran has announced that they have drones they'll sink US warships with. Hilarious! I guess that by going a lot slower than a missile, the drone will avoid the barrage coming fro the Phalanx?
A. K. A. Loose Canon
Don't worry, be happy, JJ says
ai - jj isn't happy in that way.
I saw that article, but could not think of anything funny to say. Your pic is good, though. Who's that?
Such cases have highlighted the appalling conditions suffered by some Russian service personnel at a time when Russia is seeking a greater role on the world stage, our correspondent says.
Well, at least there's consistency in the self-destructive Russian army, from the Napoleonic Wars through the Russo-Japanese to the Oktober Revolution through WWII and on up the line. Geography has always been Russia's best defense. Remember that old boardgame Risk maxim: never start a land war in Asia.
Dunno who the pic is of. I just googled gay soldier and found the funniest picture. That's about my M.O. (not HOMO).
MFT, yeah. I thought that line funny too. Just when they are trying to gain influence in Europe, these guys are acting like barbarians.
They have oil. That trumps everything including selling nukes and missiles and everything else to Iran.
OK, they have oil. But will they be any Russians left? Surely Mark Steyn must have something pithy to say about that.
Is it that the Brass want the people to do to the red army what the red army did to the people? [Yeah, I know, it ain't Red anymore.........its Brown]
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