Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tilting at barbecued windmills

Should I bring my decade-long, mano-a-mano fight with JJ about the proper etymology of BBQ to wiki?


Tecumseh said...

For once, I find something useful in Le Monde:

L'on doit peut-être au roumain les mots "barbecue" et "barbaque" : l'un et l'autre viendraient de berbec qui signifie mouton - étymologie plus probante que celle issue de l'expression fantaisiste "faire rôtir un mouton en le transperçant de la barbe au cul".

Powwww!!! OK, JJ, I'll settle for a Piper Heidsieck. Brut, of course.

Tecumseh said...

And, if we get tipsy after that, we can always try La soupe de tripes de veau (tuslama): "épaisse, relevée, à l'ail et au vinaigre, idéale contre la gueule de bois."

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, wasn't it last July that I was scolding you for not even getting the BBQ out for the summer yet?

In any case, I stand as mere spectator to the AI vs. JJ BBQ Etymology Argument (could we call it a Ten Years War?)

Arelcao Akleos said...

so much for my theory it derived from queuing at Sweeney Todd's

Mr roT said...

AI, I think it's exactly a wikinationalist thing to do. Don't they think Coanda invented the washing machine or something?

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Great BBQ. More cul than barbe.