Thursday, February 15, 2007

What about someone else's sister?


Anonymous said...

ko i understand hte bit about kissling but can we still have sex? also, what about with my brothers?

Anonymous said...

i just hate studies that leave more questions open than they answer.

My Frontier Thesis said...

In reference to Freud, did these researchers partake in cocaine throughout the study too?

It's a good idea to be consistent with methodology.

Anonymous said...

why cocaine?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Anonymous, are you serious with your question?

If so, here are a few of his own remarks. Some intellectual historians have argued that Freud was able to have such lucid dreams, and remember them, and psychoanalyze them due to his cocaine use.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, are you serious with your question?
bros & sis - no
cocaine - yes

thanks: that is very instructive. time to hit the housing projects.

My Frontier Thesis said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

Coleridge had his Opium, Freud had his Cocaine, and ? has his Chateau Noeuf on Crack ice.