Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tautology Refuted by Traditional Sycophant

Even the Boston Globe is taking the opportunity to defecate on President Jimmah. Great.


Tecumseh said...

Yet the new president went out of his way to dismiss principled anticommunism as foolish paranoia: "We are now free of that inordinate fear of communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in that fear," he said 30 years ago this week. Instead of acting forcefully to block any further expansion of communist power, Carter sought to appease it.

Aahhh, the memories! But of course, Jimmah was talking for all the pinko-Frenchies out there, for which such statements (and actions) are simply tautological. Jimmah for Emperor for Life of Planet Pepe! Who else should be in his Cabinet?

Mr roT said...

Brzezinsky !