Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hitch understandably lauds Wolfie...

...Iraq should pay for its own reconstruction. But, just before we all join hands on this obvious proposition, may we take a moment to apologize to Paul Wolfowitz? Of all the many slanders hurled at this advocate for Iraq's liberation, probably none was more gleefully bandied about than his congressional testimony that Iraq's recovery from decades of war and fascism could be self-financing. Now the opponents of the intervention are yelling that Iraq ought to be opening its bulging wallet right away.


Mr roT said...

Dammit, this got qupted somewhere else and I have lost it. I think it was in some snide HuffPo piece I was too embarrassed to post.
Do you know?

Mr roT said...

Nice piece of I-told-you-so for sure, this piece. Pepe and pepeans will say that the price was too high. Of course we will never know if there was a better way.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hitch is now taking care of his hair, too. What, his plan to die of liver failure by age 50 has failed so now he goes all Hollywood on us?

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, you know what they say: "When in Rome..."

My Frontier Thesis said...

And yes, JJ, with all that free market oil coming to the free market, Iraq and the U.S. should split the cost of the invasion, 50/50.