Too much Onabamia in the fever swamps of Planet Pepe leads to phallic visions, with pink flamingos flying above. Pat Buchanan musters a bit of his own self in this rejoinder: I may be obtuse but I didn't see 'em. When I see Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, I'm not looking at the background!
More par-for-the-course ineptitudes from Planet Pepe (as recounted by Taranto):
The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
The Financial Times has an interview with Gloria Steinem, a former Playboy bunny and founder of Ms. magazine who was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Steinem, who now backs Barack Obama, commits an amazing blunder:
She believes women will vote for Obama even if Clinton doesn't get the much-mooted consolation prize of the vice-president's spot on the Democratic ticket--a job Steinem doesn't think is good enough for her anyway. Why? "It's not an independent position, to put it mildly. I would rather see her as the president of the Senate."
Steinem apparently is ignorant of Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, which stipulates: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate." Hard to believe both Playboy and Ms. had such low standards.
What do you expect from a pinko birkenstocker?
HuffPo counterpoint: To earn the Democratic nomination, as Fred Thompson points out, Obama ran as George McGovern without the experience, a left-of-center politician who would meet unconditionally with Iran, pull us precipitously out of Iraq, prohibit new drilling for oil, and grow big government in Washington by all but a trillion dollars. In his general election TV ad debut, however, Obama pirouetted like Baryshnikov. With a commercial Mike Huckabee could have run in a Republican primary, Obama now emphasizes his commitment to strong families and heartland values, "Accountability and self-reliance. Love of country. Working hard without making excuses." In this yet unwritten chapter of his next autobiography, Obama tells us he is the candidate of "welfare to work" who supports our troops and "cut taxes for working families." The shift in his political personae has been startling. Obama has moved right so far and so fast, he could end up McCain's Vice-Presidential pick. Funny.
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