Friday, August 15, 2008

This is when the story becomes worth mentioning

The review found that Mr. Edwards’s political action committee went to unusual lengths to make a final $14,000 payment to Ms. Hunter’s film company months after its contract with the committee had ended. The payment was issued while the committee was short on cash and could pay its bills only after receiving thousands of dollars from Mr. Edwards’s presidential campaign and donations from four people, including Mr. Baron’s wife.


Tecumseh said...

I've raised these sleazy money issues several times before with Pepe. But of course, he always bobs and weaves in true Clintonian fashion, saying it's all about sex, the poor pinko is hounded by the WRVC, anyhow, the bar is much lower for pinkos, don't bother, just MoveOn. In his own words, "a brok, a brok, a brok, a broken record."

My Frontier Thesis said...

Tory, Whig, and now Edwards' Loyalist...

My Frontier Thesis said...

And political aides come forward with information like this because they, 1) understand the political process, and are trained in the ways by who they serve under; and 2) pay and treatment is on par with that of a Knight's squire.

By "political process" I mean slaying others for the Greater Good. Yet in politics, when someone slays another, they invariably become what they tried to slay. The paradox of humanity continues...

Mr roT said...

AI, what in the world are you arguing. Pepe is right to say that the only thing that's interesting about the story is where the money came from if it's not supposed to come from there.
If Edws had shut the broad up with his own money there would be no story here at all. I don't care if preacher-types can get laid.
Wild speculations aren't news either.

Pepe le Pew said...

well, when it's you that raises it without any factual knowledge, it's called an unfounded allegation ai.

Arelcao Akleos said...

When you allege that AI had no factual knowledge, without factual knowledge that AI had no factual knowledge, it's called an unfounded allegation, Le Pew.

Pepe le Pew said...

do share what edwards-related info ai was privy to, oh hollow one.

Arelcao Akleos said...
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Arelcao Akleos said...
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Arelcao Akleos said...

I'm sure AI can help guide you to the story's traces before today's headline news. Simply because you just bothered to heed the story doesn't mean it didn't exist before the MSM ladled it into your morning's pottage.
However, Le Pew, why don't YOU do a trace on it? If you do you will see the story goes back quite far. It will also be good for you to do your own honest research, yes?
Even an Aristo can't live on joint papers alone

Pepe le Pew said...

why don't I ? Because I am not the one making the allegation. It used to be fun to watch ai pulling out his knee pads and hit your zipper, and now this new 69 situation is double the entertainment.