Saturday, September 13, 2008

Stuff White People Like (seriously, we do)

A good Atlantic Monthly piece on it, too. Excerpt below from SWPL website:

Two white people from the Somerville, MA created an organization called “TEAL: Typo Eradication Advancement League,” and vowed to travel across the country fixing typos. This is especially interesting since every other time two late 20s white males have traveled across the country it has been to visit all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums.

All was well until the two men defaced a hand painted sign in Grand Canyon National Park. They were caught, arrested, fined, and banned from National Parks for one year.

While white people have little trouble paying fines of $3,000, the ban from public parks for one full year is considered especially harsh considering white people’s need for camping and other outdoor activities.

Questions for discussion:

1.. When there is a typo on a vintage sign, what is more important: Grammar or character?

2. Once all typos have been corrected, what will be the next cause for white people to solve?

1 comment:

My Frontier Thesis said...

Could you please add "Stuff White People Like" to the sidebar?
