So far, little attention has been given to Holdren's involvement in the scandal, which is not surprising considering the mainstream media has largely ignored the new revelations. It is almost incomprehensible that major media outlets would refuse to cover what many people believe may very well be the biggest scientific scandal in modern history. Well, duhhh. Do you think Pravda and Izvestiya covered the details of Lysenko's "research"?
I like Kraut's balance here.
Well, this is a weird news source, but it is clear who Obama is and who he favors.
This guy is a Van Jones with a science degree from some place where idiots inbreed.
Goddam, these guys that hacked the emails should be given medals.
Kraut: And we are actually a constitutional democracy where the president can't announce a policy unilaterally. It actually has to pass the two houses of the Congress, and our allies abroad know that, and they’re going to look at this announcement he is going to make and think it … extremely strange.
How is that credibility curve looking like? Where is Phil Jones when you need him to massage the curve?
As for the email hackers: yep, amazing feat. Methinks musta been some disgruntled grad student or postdoc, who couldn't take all that shit anymore. What do you think?
Question: A decade from now, when scientists and the public look back at this extraordinary scandal, this great fit of collective madness, the question will be asked: on which side were you?
Funny. Holdren - Hölder.
Hmmm. Separated at birth?
The infection pathway is clear:
John P. Holdren is advisor to President Barack Obama for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)[1]
Holdren was previously the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program at the School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Director of the Woods Hole Research Center.
Come to think of it, isn't Teresa Heinz Jean-Francois Kerry's missus? It's all making sense now!
The Truth is Harvard
I thought John Kerry was Teresa Heinz' missus. No?
As they say in Rome,"Ma chi porta il cazzo in quella casa?"
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