Sunday, November 01, 2009

Love the Clintons!

OK, guys. What do you think about this. Hillary's sick of playing second fiddle to second Carter and here's her breakout before the shit hits somewhere. We can all feel it. The Russians or Iranians are going to do some awful shit somewhere in no time with Dr Myshkin Harvard at the helm. So she wants out. No competition from the Repubs, an easy primary fight with Bill helping out and everyone and their dog on her side in the last primaries saying "I told you so."

Remember the thing about Obama not being able to close the deal? Were truer words ever spoken by a Clinton?

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

This is too deep for me, Mr Rot. Can you run by me, one more time, slowly, your perceived Macchiavellian Clintonesque plans?