The first and second derivatives on Honor Killings here in Yankland keep on upticking. Larouche Le Pew and his Dead Ricain' Lovin' cohorts have another glorious reason to ululate. Rot keeps hopin' we brush this unpleasantness under the rug; it is so uncouth to mention such petty acts of vandalism on these so wannabe sophisticated and nuanced boards. Why, to do otherwise would be sheer dreary Drudgery.
As for the shameless hussy, did she really think she would get license in our brave new AmeriSoc to indulge in her offensive Islamophobia? Momo loves you, Biatch.
These are best when they can be gotten from HuffPo. The comments are wonderful, particularly when they say that well, Catholics have honor killings too!
I can't get to Comcast articles. They always say I use an obsolete browser. Dumbkopfs!
Maybe you should buy a computer, Tecs. You could learn to click on things.
Right, right.
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