Sunday, November 01, 2009

Victory, Democrat-style II

#1: Put new, unreasonable conditions on an ally's dealings with thugs.
#2: Encourage thugs to up the ante by taking new conditions as preconditions to talks.
#3: Watch everything stop dead.
#4: Drop new conditions on ally and propose a restart. Ally accepts, thugs don't quite.
#5: Declare victory.


Tecumseh said...

Pepean logic at its best.

Mr roT said...

Not so bad. At least she's not sticking to that bullshit that Obama started out with.

Mr roT said...

One measure of this is how pissed off the left-extreme is.

Tecumseh said...

I don't get it. Is there anything behind all this kabuki theater?

Mr roT said...

I think it's major backpedalling from Obama's big bullshit at the beginning. They tried their global slam-dunk getting the memo thang but are discovering that no one really gives a shit about all that 'historic' crap here.

At least they're realizing this. For them to keep on believing it would have been more disastrous. Maybe we'll get the Carter over with now at the beginning learning something and avoid a real big Iran hostage or commensurate.

Let's hope they get thrown out of office too.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, you gave the best possible interpretation of this, Rot. Not as sanguine as you, but let's hope you are right.

Mr roT said...

I guess there's a big fat maybe in there, but they are backing up...