Monday, November 02, 2009

Women talk. Ace translates.

This whole process is somewhat surreal; it's like watching one retard correct another retard on the correct pronunciation of "genre." Not to get all postmodern on you, but it's all very meta; one person with nothing to say but who thinks herself clever is deconstructing a very similar person with nothing to say but who thinks herself clever.

If Tina Brown's next column is about Maureen Dowd's last column, and then Wonkette deconstructs that column, I think the very fabric of the universe might begin to unravel due to the effects of a gravity-ripping singularity of ironic vapidity.

It's like masturbating to the thought of yourself masturbating. Sure, it's kind of fun to inject a little postmodern reiteration into onanism, but honestly, what's the point?


Tecumseh said...

Where is the "digital penetration" label?

Mr roT said...

Where's the digital or the penetration? Why not the Coanda Smiles label?

Tecumseh said...

OK, OK. How about "the babbling clown speaketh"?

Mr roT said...

OK, if you insist, but you should give my Clinton conspiracy theory another try. I think I am being brilliant, not like you and AA, the Drudge Report Drone.

Tecumseh said...

Are you patting yourself on the back, already?

Tecumseh said...

Are you into self-referential navel-gazing?