Friday, January 01, 2010

The clever, creative spirit that tends to thrive at UChicago

REGURGE: Lies are a line on your CV!


Arelcao Akleos said...

Harlequin Days for Tecumseh, Garlands gay for Pepe's lay on the frozen Midway,
O Rotteo, wherefore art thou Rotteo? Oh MFT, Oh MFT, Oh Chicago sings for Thee

from "The FCP Ballad O' Chicago Love"

Tecumseh said...

El Rotteo is dreaming of fitting again in those old blue jeans.

Mr roT said...

I'd like to get into those jeans...

Tecumseh said...

Too tight for you.

Mr roT said...

Peel 'em off...

Tecumseh said...

Duke story: Yeah, I saw that, just before Christmas. Didn't bother to post -- everyone was otherwise busy then -- but yes, it's worth pondering.

Mr roT said...

Probably should've posted since it's costed you a VCP now. Pay up.