Ali: “Somehow, the idea got into their [Hasan’s and Shahzad’s] minds that to kill other people is a great thing to do and that they would be rewarded in the hereafter.”
Smiley: “But Christians do that every single day in this country.”
Ali: “Do they blow people up?”
Smiley: “Yes. Oh, Christians, every day, people walk into post offices, they walk into schools, that’s what Columbine is — I could do this all day long.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hitchens goes where I always figured he would
...of course Tecs doesn't buy into that identity politics thing...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The first officially recorded dumb blonde
In an incident around 1788, Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, presented Duthé to his fifteen-year-old son Philippe (later King Louis Philippe I) to "learn some facts of life." When she was later seen in Philippe's royal carriage on the Champs-Élysées, some young aristocrats took offense, as normally only princes rode in royal carriages; they sang a song set to a popular tune using the lyrics "La Duthé a dû téter".
Aahhh the French,
Dumbos on Parade,
Tecs says Beck and Palin don't even know Gucci loafers
Even many on the right are at pains to repudiate him, as they do other popular conservative mega-figures like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. But as I have written about Sarah Palin before, I see in Beck a quality that conservatives despise at their peril. That quality is the willingness to stand up and answer the call, no matter what: to say what he knows he has been appointed to say, and not tack or trim to catch the winds of MSM approval.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Rotter way, all the way
"Simply letting them go sends a harmful message to immigration agents and to illegal immigrants," he said. Agents feel "their work is not valued. The message sent to the illegals is that even if you are put into deportation proceedings, we will let you go." Oh, duhh.
So who gonna take up now Her Rot's pet cause in Washington? Mr Hayseed, Scottie, or Rubio? I put my money on Mac's buddy.
So who gonna take up now Her Rot's pet cause in Washington? Mr Hayseed, Scottie, or Rubio? I put my money on Mac's buddy.
Tecs calls the INS, sends check to Crist

[Add a photo of Ronnie smiling, just to annoy Herr Rot. --Tecs]
Friday, August 27, 2010
If Orwell had written Superbowl Commercials, he too could have thought of The Green Police
This is too rich. Nowadays the timelapse from black comic invention to dead serious Pepean social policy is but a turn of the Sun. Chicago Rulz? Ha, make room for the other big and broken lake city.
Ah, why bother prosecuting Abd?
..when we can spend that hard-earned tax money in a much more productive way?
The heart of darkness
Amnesty International ... absurdly claims Mexico should have done more to protect the illegals — we suppose by providing armed escorts across the Texas border. Indeed, Mexico's now in roughly the same spot as Arizona. Illegal immigration, after all, is illegal in Mexico, too. Even as Mexico encourages its own citizens to head north because of the remittances they send home, it discourages other nations' citizens from doing the same, apprehending 43,000 illegals last year alone. This massacre should make Mexico rethink its claim that Arizona is somehow an enemy, or that legalizing drugs will stop horrors like this.
You'd think so? Naah, says Rot. It's much more important to blame the "Honeckerian" Arizonans.
Update: A car bomb at the massacre site. Undoubtedly, it's all the fault of Jan Brewer and Sheriff Arpaio.
You'd think so? Naah, says Rot. It's much more important to blame the "Honeckerian" Arizonans.
Update: A car bomb at the massacre site. Undoubtedly, it's all the fault of Jan Brewer and Sheriff Arpaio.
Tecs' Awesome Genius Nothing But Class
If Hayworth and a bunch of tea party types had won:
The great question is what happens after November. The hope of the White House, which knows it is about to take a drubbing, is probably this: that the Republicans in Congress will devolve into a freak show, overplay their hand, lose their focus, be a little too colorful.
The great question is what happens after November. The hope of the White House, which knows it is about to take a drubbing, is probably this: that the Republicans in Congress will devolve into a freak show, overplay their hand, lose their focus, be a little too colorful.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Immigration law never applies, says Rot
Make all 12 million illegal immigrants legal, and let them fully enjoy all the benefits of the Nanny State. And let anyone who wants to enter illegally do as he pleases. The Rotten doctrine in a nutshell. All based on hidden messages, buried deep in the penumbras of the Constitution, fer shure.
MSM party line
REGURGE: I see that Taranto picks up on my story, but buries it in the middle. Could it be da Rotter's fault? I smell a rat.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Rot swoons for Imam Kringle
.. just because meanie McCarthy dares to challenge him. Spencer calls McCarty "peerless". Rot goes into a hissy fit. And so it goes.
Open the borders! Quick!
“The root of crime in Mexico is at the local level,” Calderon said. “The municipalities haven’t been able to respond with efficiency to the challenge of insecurity.” Oh, c'mon, Felipe. You know you should be blaming George W. Bush. Or Jan Brewer. Ask Rot for guidance.
Of course Tecs can't resist Reps named Maurice
Similarly, a lousy day to be Tecs, a great day for (hu)mankind.
How about the jet engine?
Other giants of innovation during the 1,000-year period that began in the seventh century were physician Al-Zahrawi, whose innovations shaped European surgery, and Fatima Al-Fihri, whose multi-subject institute of learning, with no gender restrictions, laid foundations for the modern university... One curiosity is a replica of the flying machine of Abbas ibn Firnas, who constructed a winged framework near Cordoba in Spain and flew briefly before injuring himself.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Spengler explains why A implies non-A
Jihadis do not blow themselves up in mosques and marketplaces because they study al-Ghazali instead of Aquinas, but because they think that death is preferable to life in an alien civilization. Not only jihadis kill themselves. No one better exemplifies a life dedicated to reason than Western mathematicians. Yet a mathematical puzzle elicits a different kind of thinking than the question, "Is my life worthwhile?"
Monday, August 23, 2010
Of course, Herr Rott pulls for Crist
--the fellow who handed out the nomination to Mac on a silver platter back in 2008 (birds of like feather, and all that). I'll go with Rubio.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Per Rasmussen’s poll last month, Democrat Rodney Glassman trails Maverick 53/34 but leads Hayworth 43/38. So there’s your consolation, McCain-haters: If J.D. did pull the upset in the primary, there’s a fair chance that this seat would turn blue and destroy the GOP’s already slim chance of retaking the Senate.
Revisit: Tell that to Father Mark Arey, of The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, because his denomination has been trying to rebuild a tiny, but venerable church in that same neighborhood—one destroyed on that fateful day almost nine years ago. The St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church has experienced a multi-year hassle of horror in the shadow of an Islamist dream come true. The symbolism and contrast could not be more stark or striking.
The Obaminable Battle of the Wright Brothers
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Assange likes girls?
Julian Assange, the Australian founder of whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, is wanted in Sweden where he is accused of rape, AFP news agency has said quoting the prosecutor's office.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Planet Rot on a roll
From 1982 to 1994 Aponte lived with a man who worked closely with the Cuban Mission to the U.N. and allegedly was a spy.
Ah, but Castro is not a Stalinist (oh, yeah?), so nothing to worry about.
Aponte served on the board of La Raza and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (now Latino Justice)
A wise Latina. Ululululu. More background.
Ah, but Castro is not a Stalinist (oh, yeah?), so nothing to worry about.
Aponte served on the board of La Raza and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (now Latino Justice)
A wise Latina. Ululululu. More background.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pepe's extreme touches the other
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore would support this new point on the continuum of sexuality. For years Mattilde, who is a biological male who insists on being referred to as "she", has been fighting against the lack of diversity and dearth of imagination within the gay community. She also correctly exposes gay marriage as a conservative plot to stifle the vibrancy of gay life.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Harvard is JudenFrei on a Summer's Pay
Kagan, JA! Netanyahu, Nein! Pepe Le Petain goes to Berkeley East.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 09, 2010
Another Shameless Leftist Brit Steals FCP's Intellectual Property
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Alexandria, Cordoba, Constantinople, Vienna .....Manhattan

"It is not coincidental that the mosque's name, Cordoba House, takes after the city in southern Spain that marked one of radical Islam's greatest conquests in Europe during the Middle Ages. Cordoba was a major center in the global caliphate being erected by the rampaging Islamists of the time - the very caliphate that Osama bin Laden and his allies seek to restore. A giant mosque was built upon the ruins of a Catholic church. For Islamists, erecting mosques on defeated territories is a sign of subjugation - the submission of infidels to Allah's rule"
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
McCarthy dissects the kind of Rotter Logik
.. that got us into this mess in the first place. And, oh, by the way, [Rot's solution] makes about as much sense as solving the financial meltdown by putting ol’ fuel and fire, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, in charge. Powww!
Kayla foibles
AA's fruity heroes: she was none other than the daughter of soccer hero Toninho Cerezo, the World Cup veteran and contemporary of legendary Brazil players like Falcão, Sócrates and Zico. It's all making sense now.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Your typical pinko libtard fretting about Der Rotter stealing her precious bodily fluids

Of course, this Gaga girl has bought the Rotter party line on Arizona, hook, sinker, and line. It figures.
Millón de dólares por cabeza del sheriff
Ulululululu, says Rot. Couterpoint: not from Planet Rot. Also, Pepe's senator tries hard to get on Rot's shitlist.
When Rot sets up shop in Italy
.. it all goes downhill. Like clockwork. Wait till he settles in Krautland. Then you'll see.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
The Boston globe is stealing my lines!
If this does not call for a VCP, I don't know what does. Of course, Herr Rot has been fast asleep throughout this latest Kerry story that I've been flogging relentlessly--evidently, covering up for his kind of guy. So, if the Globe does not pay up, I think Der Rotter must. Fair is fair.
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