I'm not sure this is more cringe inducing than when Gerry Ford did his " Poland under Soviet control? Soviet divisions in Poland? I see Nothing, NO-Thing" schtick in the Presidential debate.... but it's a contender.
Gerry Ford was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, that's true. But that was a substantive mistake he did there -- basically, going against his base (and common sense), and allowing Jimmah to pass him on the right on that issue. More like, if you want, Perry going Rotter at the third debate, and saying that anyone who doesn't support his free-college-tuition-for-illegals scheme is heartless. Bad politics (and against common sense, to boot), but hey, at least it's not like he puked on himself or something.
Perry's performance should be embarrassing to anyone who cares about the GOP brand. It plays to some of the worst stereotypes about conservatives that pinkos peddle, day in, day out. They try it with basically everybody --but, with someone as good as Reagan it fell flat, of course. I'm afraid that, with Perry, it's going to hit a nerve. Why play into their hands? Look what happened to O'Donnell. And, in hindsight, she was more articulate than Perry.
Excruciating flop: I don’t think it’s enough to make a man with millions in the bank leave the race, but no one who watched that sequence can possibly have any confidence in his ability to debate Barack Obama. At all. If Perry had a track record of four good debate performances, this would not be damaging enough to kill his chances, but his previous flops make this seem as though it’s the Sum Of All (Republican) Fears.
I'm not sure this is more cringe inducing than when Gerry Ford did his " Poland under Soviet control? Soviet divisions in Poland? I see Nothing, NO-Thing" schtick in the Presidential debate.... but it's a contender.
Gerry Ford was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, that's true. But that was a substantive mistake he did there -- basically, going against his base (and common sense), and allowing Jimmah to pass him on the right on that issue. More like, if you want, Perry going Rotter at the third debate, and saying that anyone who doesn't support his free-college-tuition-for-illegals scheme is heartless. Bad politics (and against common sense, to boot), but hey, at least it's not like he puked on himself or something.
Perry's performance should be embarrassing to anyone who cares about the GOP brand. It plays to some of the worst stereotypes about conservatives that pinkos peddle, day in, day out. They try it with basically everybody --but, with someone as good as Reagan it fell flat, of course. I'm afraid that, with Perry, it's going to hit a nerve. Why play into their hands? Look what happened to O'Donnell. And, in hindsight, she was more articulate than Perry.
Excruciating flop: I don’t think it’s enough to make a man with millions in the bank leave the race, but no one who watched that sequence can possibly have any confidence in his ability to debate Barack Obama. At all. If Perry had a track record of four good debate performances, this would not be damaging enough to kill his chances, but his previous flops make this seem as though it’s the Sum Of All (Republican) Fears.
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