The closest [Gingrich] came to a sneer came in a reply to the "Newt Romney" barbs of Michele Bachmann, whose practiced sound bites must be hard to take given her general lack of depth.Tecs, weren't you saying she's just like Marie Curie or something? Where's the PDE?
RWN crack-up. Tecs and AA are shocked.
Pinko sweat.
LZ 129.
Bingo. Bag of Germanic hot lighter-than-air gas.
Take one VCP off what I owe you.
Hmmm... Maybe we're speaking past each other, but I was referring to this paragraph from your your title post:
Can Mr. Gingrich maintain his message and personality discipline? His advisers say he's mellowed with age and since his conversion to Catholicism and that he has a new calm about him. Others say he can't help himself -- and that he is, in the analogy offered by one Republican, "the Hindenburg," a hydrogen airship that will blow up sooner or later. The nomination may hang on who's right.
Seems to me that both metaphors fly just fine for Bachmann.
Are you questioning her intellect?
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