This must be a terrible day for Tecs. We all know how closely he hews to the pinko msm line. Gingrich takes dump on pinko delusion and moral posturing. What a great day to be an American. [Add cartoon -- Tecs] [Added important meta-flip-flop comment. ]
Like when Mac ran off to calm the troubled financial waters?
I didn't see any particular clownishness in his doing that. I saw that the New Yorker and other similar blatherskites said it was a gaffe and the easily manipulated people on the right started parroting their line....
Guess you start losing a while before you start losing. One hopes that Obama has already lost, because he's a real retard, as I knew a long time ago.
Before Mr Rot totally rewrites history, let's go back in time to earlier posts, such as this one, and see what he had to say about the Grinch when he was down. Mr Google can supply many more such instances. Memory Hole sucks, eh?
Dat contrack wif Amerka was brilliant. Him and Reagan fixed that spending problem.... Forever!
(1) Reagan helped launch a close to 20-year boom in the US economy, which in turn helped with the budget. And he did spend money, but mainly on building up the military, so as to stop the Soviets from bugging us, which in the end they did -- a sound investment of tax money.
(2) Yes, Gingrich's Contract with America back in 1994 was brilliant, and brought back the GOP in the majority in the House after a 40-year hiatus -- which helped reduce the deficit in the years immediately after (with the help of Bubba, and building on Ronnie's peace dividend, to be sure).
(3) Nothing lasts forever -- that's not the test to decide whether Reagan's policies in the 1980s (or Gingrich's in the 1990s) were good.
Except for those little quibbles, your historical/political analysis, Mr Rot, was absolutely brilliant. Not.
Bubba, check. But Bubba's knifing half the Dem coalition was very serious business on their side and I would say took about the same balls quotient as Reagan's.
Is Bubba running in the GOP primary? Why bring him in this post? Start a new thread for that, an let's refight the Monica fight if you wish, like in the good ole days.
During the initial debate over ObamaCare, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) famously said, "We have to pass [it] so you can find out what's in it" One irreverent heir to Hippocrates quipped, "That's what I tell my patients when I ask them for a stool sample" The similarities scarcely end there.
No matter what the Romney people say, offering a $10,000 bet is, at best, somewhat odd. (You generally either bet someone $1 or $1 million dollars; anywhere in between seems weird and raises eyebrows.)
Oh, c'mon. I routinely bet a bottle of VCP (or a case of warmish Harpoon), either of which is in the $20-$40 range -- but then again, Mr Rot never pays up when he (routinely) loses those bets. So what's the beef?
Or Gingrich may set his own hair on fire in the three weeks before the caucuses.
Stranger things have happened.
Like when Mac ran off to calm the troubled financial waters?
I didn't see any particular clownishness in his doing that. I saw that the New Yorker and other similar blatherskites said it was a gaffe and the easily manipulated people on the right started parroting their line....
Guess you start losing a while before you start losing. One hopes that Obama has already lost, because he's a real retard, as I knew a long time ago.
Before Mr Rot totally rewrites history, let's go back in time to earlier posts, such as this one, and see what he had to say about the Grinch when he was down. Mr Google can supply many more such instances. Memory Hole sucks, eh?
Wow you really got me there, Tecs!!
Ooooo-wee!! Hidin' my head in ashame!
Dat contrack wif Amerka was brilliant. Him and Reagan fixed that spending problem.... Forever!
Here, the Palis teach Gingrish a lesson about Histry! Man, he and I are hurtin tonight....
Dat contrack wif Amerka was brilliant. Him and Reagan fixed that spending problem.... Forever!
(1) Reagan helped launch a close to 20-year boom in the US economy, which in turn helped with the budget. And he did spend money, but mainly on building up the military, so as to stop the Soviets from bugging us, which in the end they did -- a sound investment of tax money.
(2) Yes, Gingrich's Contract with America back in 1994 was brilliant, and brought back the GOP in the majority in the House after a 40-year hiatus -- which helped reduce the deficit in the years immediately after (with the help of Bubba, and building on Ronnie's peace dividend, to be sure).
(3) Nothing lasts forever -- that's not the test to decide whether Reagan's policies in the 1980s (or Gingrich's in the 1990s) were good.
Except for those little quibbles, your historical/political analysis, Mr Rot, was absolutely brilliant. Not.
Hmmm, nothing about Clinton and closing shop on da welfare state, eh?
If you scroll up, you'll see the name "Bubba". Maybe you remember that usually refers to Clinton in this context?
I suggest 6 bocks of AB as penance for this wet noodle of a comment.
Bubba, check. But Bubba's knifing half the Dem coalition was very serious business on their side and I would say took about the same balls quotient as Reagan's.
Bubba was risking big.
More debate post-mortem.
Is Bubba running in the GOP primary? Why bring him in this post? Start a new thread for that, an let's refight the Monica fight if you wish, like in the good ole days.
Breaking news from Rottea: Romney is a space cadet. Duhh. Tell me something new, willya?
You brought Bubba into this post, Tecs, right before calling other folks space cadets!
Oh boy, I hope you're visiting soon, and the credit card had better have some VCP room, man...
More on dumps:
During the initial debate over ObamaCare, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) famously said, "We have to pass [it] so you can find out what's in it" One irreverent heir to Hippocrates quipped, "That's what I tell my patients when I ask them for a stool sample" The similarities scarcely end there.
Romney flip-flops even about flop-flops.
Profile in courage.
No matter what the Romney people say, offering a $10,000 bet is, at best, somewhat odd. (You generally either bet someone $1 or $1 million dollars; anywhere in between seems weird and raises eyebrows.)
Oh, c'mon. I routinely bet a bottle of VCP (or a case of warmish Harpoon), either of which is in the $20-$40 range -- but then again, Mr Rot never pays up when he (routinely) loses those bets. So what's the beef?
You lose all the time and never pay, Tecs.
I lose? When?
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