Tuesday, February 28, 2012

G-town idiocracy

Boy, I shoulda gone to shyster school...


Arelcao Akleos said...

Between G-Town's Idiocracy, and the Dystopia Chicago Thought Of, I am so honored by the mud I've tread on.

Arelcao Akleos said...

So they wanna get paid to have sex....by the Guvmint.....
This may be a True New in the History of The Oldest Profession.

Tecumseh said...

It's all making perfect sense within the confines of Pinko Logick. Just ask Pepe. Or Kayla.

Charly said...

Is that another social conservative in your bedroom ? But this time it's not that they want to engineer your personal life. Contraception is not the latest head of the hydra that has been working on regulating American sex lives after sodomy laws, abstinence programs and anti-gay unions. It's the thirst for financial fairness that motivates them to pop up once again between your sheets.

Tecumseh said...

Charly, Charly -- what are you talking about? Bottom line is: why should I pay through my taxes for that shyster chick's condoms? Once you explain to me that planted axiom, we can talk about its corollaries.

Charly said...

Arguably, that's a lesser evil than bringing unwanted children in the world. And in terms of social cost, it's likely cheaper too.
My point is that the price of the condom is a red herring to cover bedroom engineering, Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

You still haven't explained why I should give even a single red cent to that pampered bimbo. This is the crux of the matter: For more than two centuries, the Left has been dreaming new reasons to steal money from Peter to pay Paul -- into an ever-expanding grab for power and privileges. Of course, they can think of infinitely many ways in which to "justify" that scam. Free condoms for all being just the umpteenth iteration of that tired pinko theology. But, bottom-line, it's just a scam, or, a protection racket if you wish.

Charly said...

If anything for the simple reason that condoms are a cheap alternative to the societal costs of having unwanted kids.
But again, it's a red herring: conservatives have been fishing for socially acceptable pretexts to regulate bedroom behavior for centuries in the US and this is only another instance of what this debate is truly about.

Tecumseh said...

Again, why should I accept this kind of extortion? Nobody forces that Georgetown law-school student to sleep around. And, if she wants to buy a condom, it's $1 at the corner store -- surely she can afford that, no?
And, if she can't (!), there's always an aspirin between the knees as a substitute.

It's all pinko bullshit, if you ask me. Rushbo picks up on the theme. Too easy.