Thursday, February 15, 2007


I have a modest proposal, one that should appeal to the Carolus Linnaeus in each and every one of us: now that Blooger has a nifty little "Labels" box at the bottom of each post, let's try and use some systematic categories. We already have a few (Pepe: "warmongering" [yada, yada], AI: "Aahhh, the French", "Dog bites man"), but of course we could add some olden goldies: "Don't worry, be happy", "Yet another study", "Babes", "Coanda rulz!", "Hahvahd", "Pinko Birkenstock" -- well, you get the drift. So?


Arelcao Akleos said...

AI how do those boxes work? By the way, if anyone can tell me how to post photos I would be mucho aprecianando

Mr roT said...

AA, posting pictures is easy. There's a little idon above the box in which you type the text of a post. That icon (on a Mac atleast) looks like a little picture (sky or something). Click on it and you will get a dialog box that has some instructions-the upload picture box. If you want to put up a picture you have in the computer, look on the left of the box.CSomething like a choose file button when clicked will tell your browser to open another window that will let you choose a picture from your computer's disc.... On the right of the the upload pictsures box there's a space to paste the url of whatever picture you want to put up that's already on the net.

Hope I was clear.

Mr roT said...

Do you need elp learnign how to set links...?

Arelcao Akleos said...

yes, JJ, if you can tell me how to set a link in the text that would leave me a little less ignorant

Mr roT said...

check your email, AA

My Frontier Thesis said...

Ever since I've known him, AA has been brilliant with turning pages in books. It's this damn systematic clicking that gets him wriled up.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI or JJ: would it be possible to begin an index or Table of Contents (accessible somewhere on FCP) so we could glance at it before posting and thus be a little more systematic about our categories?

I'm all for it, but I haven't the slightest clue as to how you'd make that work.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Nevermind. I got it.