Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Madrassah fucker

[This requires an image, to please Pepe. --AI]


My Frontier Thesis said...

At least from the looks of the cnn.com pic, the Sadr is lookin a little worn, wouldn't you say JJ?

Tecumseh said...

Ah, I see that the pic already pleased MFT! Yes, the MF'cker has a bit of that haggard look that that Sheikh, whatshisname, had when he was nabbed in Pak.

Mr roT said...

Haggard? He's not a m'f'cker. He's a 'mo though he says he's 100% hetero.

Arelcao Akleos said...

He has the courage of a frenchman and the fashion sense of a portuguese widow. Thy beating heart be still, Anonymous

My Frontier Thesis said...

Still, I wonder if the photo was doctored or not. Similar to a pic I saw of J.F. Kerry a week or two ago.

Arelcao Akleos said...

there is a photo of Kerry clad in Black Robed Islam Militant Style? He Brims with daring?

My Frontier Thesis said...

No, it wasn't that over the top. I think it was a NYT photo, and they tinted the color just right to make Kerry look like a zombie. The photographic undercurrent symbolized the NYT's abandonment of J.F. Kerry for new presidential contenders such as Obamaham Lincoln, or Hillary Clinton.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, I see, they gave him a tinge of that ol demento look in order to bring out the "sanity" in Hillary's and Obama's ol blues. If Kerry gave any public hint of being other than a Yale Blue Bood Twit I would feel compassion for him. I do believe he has joined Dukakis in that political Bermuda Triangle that Massachusetts has become. Once the Gray Lady has pursed her crone's lips in your direction, they stay pursed unto death

Tecumseh said...

Interesting. Where is that NYT JFK pic?

Mr roT said...


My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, I'm feeling lazy. Could you relocate the Zombie Kerry pic between beers?