Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Giuliani says x=x

Democrats freak out and McCain chickens out.
Addendum: Here's: the DNC's view: On Wednesday, that [Giuliani's criticism--JJ] provided a clear opening for Democrats. The Democratic National Committee used the former mayor’s remarks to highlight his failure “to prepare New York City for the second attack on the World Trade Center.”


Tecumseh said...

So the Versaillists are crying foul when someone points out that their it's-all-just-a-bunch-of-Molotov-cocktails-and-a-Bush-Rove-Halliburton-conspiracy amounts to what it amounts, i.e., that x=x? Hah! How do you say chutzpah in Haut-French?

Arelcao Akleos said...


Mr roT said...

Here's Giuliani's proof.

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of which, what's sweeter music to the Pepean ear: surrender or appeasement?

Mr roT said...

There's a fair amount of nuance between those terms, AI. I with you'd quit that. You remind me of John Kerrywinkle.