Friday, April 27, 2007

Hey, Bucky!

What to do? Kill 'em all or let 'em be?


Tecumseh said...

The Estonian president, Toomas Ilves, said, "The criminals of last night were not united by ethnicity but by the desire to riot, destroy and rob. The state cannot hesitate or stand back when order and security need to be restored." That's the spirit -- and the right balance between the "kill-them-all" attitude of, say, the ChiComs at Tiananmen, and the French Way of doing things (i.e., abject surrender to the mob, any day, any time).

Mr roT said...

Maybe they don't want that Soviet thing there for a reason?

Tecumseh said...

Like, reminding them of 50 years of commie occupation, mass killings, and mass deportations? Oh, why would anyone worry about such pecaddilos, when one can spend one's life wringing his hands about a pair of thongs on a guy's head at Abu Ghraib, and feel oh-so-superior about one's exquisite birkenhauserian sensibilities?

Mr roT said...

Well sure. But should they move the memorial? The Germans were not to be outdone in the atrocity dept by just about anyone.