Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fitzgerald Borges Spencer

Long, but cleverly written.....After thirty years I have to reread Don Quixote


Mr roT said...

This is beautiful sustained irony. I only got toward the end that it was a put-on and the writer isn't a confused idiot. I figured it had been posted at Jihad Watch as an example of academic idiocy, actually.

Also, AA, you mention the need to reread Cervantes, but rereading your Borges is something that can be done quicker!

"Pierre Menard, Author of the Quijote" is one of my favorite stories. The fake academic tone and fake references and silly, almost sensical, discussion make it absolutely priceless to me.

MFT the Absolutist should be forced to read it.

Mr roT said...

..also, this Fitzgerald guy keeps up Borges' fake smartypants academic tone. Very nice indeed.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I've actually never read "Pierre Menard". Yes, have not read Borges for twenty years....time to give the Spaniards their due [yeah, I know, Borges was not from Spain].
As for Fitzegerald, I envy the quality of the piece. I hope it took him hard effort to achieve it, for if the piece came of effortlessly the bastard must die

Mr roT said...

It took some honing. You can tell because the irony comes and goes. He wasn't sure how far to push it and then he goes OTT. Of course he is trying to show hw stupid Spencer's detractors are.
I think we could do better batting drafts back and forth. The real genius is in gutting these guys with Menard. You absolutely must read that piece.
