Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I have the tar: bring the feathers!

Paul Wolfowitz lui-même n'exclut pas l'éventualité d'un départ : "Quand l'ombre portée par ces accusations fausses et indignes sera dissipée, alors seulement il deviendra possible de déterminer objectivement si je peux être un dirigeant efficace à la Banque mondiale".


Mr roT said...

I thought you were converted to waterboarding by now. Hasn't Gonzales moved you even a smidgen?

Tecumseh said...

I thought the French invented waterboarding. Of course, they would do it with much more panache (in the Marquis de Sade way) -- see pic.

Pepe le Pew said...

With this resume, Gonzi would have treated her the same way.

Mr roT said...

...as would almost anyone else that could get his hands on her. Not a good testcase for repeal of the death penalty, this chick.
Drinking 16 pints of Bitter would be better...

Mr roT said...

sorry I wrote 'chick'. I meant 'defender of women's rights'.

Tecumseh said...

Maybe they were trying to flush the poison out? At any rate, if she lived in modern-day Big Easy, Planet Pepe would be up in arms clamoring for clemency.

Pepe le Pew said...

i'd try to waterbone her myself!