Monday, May 14, 2007

They Planned to Put up a Starbucks on Every Corner???

"to destroy their cities as they have destroyed our cities."


Mr roT said...

Yeah, AA. Down with globalization! I miss the good ole days where Dunkin' Donuts was the best coffee could be had. Along with that, this proves that the WOT is fought with police and intelligence within our own borders and collateral damage is unacceptable even if it's only maiming a single (red) ant in the middle of the Hindu Kush and all this stuff was trumped up by Bushitlerhalliburtonpinochetcheneycheneycheney to kill our civil rights and get rid of gay marriage like the taliban and killing dadullah is nothing nothing noght sub nought. The root cayses are Reza Pahlavi and Ronald Reagan...

Tecumseh said...

JJ: are you trying to steal my thunder? No fair.

Mr roT said...

Sorry, AI. Missed you on the blog a bit. NAture abhors a vacuum...