Friday, February 01, 2008

Did Ann Coulter jump the shark?

Or is she impersonating moi?


Mr roT said...

Where's my VCP?

Tecumseh said...

Too far down, that post. No VCP for you, JJ. Maybe a Harpoon?

Tecumseh said...

Et tu, Brute? I thought the WSJ would root for Mitt, no? Politics is funny business.

Mr roT said...

Not at all. I think they are saying what everyone perceives, yourself included. You said he never did anything that irritated you whil Gov of Mass. Likely you just weren't paying attention because state politics up there is one small step less dreary than county politics. That's why you paid no attention to HillaryCare a la Romney. Likely you are also numbed by your new Gov Deval Patrick (wtf is a deval anyway?) saying that OBL was inconsiderate and we should have simply been nicer and more understanding toward him and his battalion of cutthroats.
Yes. Romney is better than Patrick, but even Al Sharpton is that.

Tecumseh said...

Who is Patrick? I haven't seen him, or heard of him -- really. So you have a point here. By the way, I was just reviewing some finances the other day (in preparation to be skinned by Uncle Sam on April 15th), when I noted that my health insurance bill has grown by 10% on Jan 1. Rats. Who should I blame? Tell you the truth, I had no idea about that insurance scheme that Mitt passed until I started paying attention to this campaign, a few weeks ago. Goes to show...

By the way, here is a comment on that WSJ editorial.

Mr roT said...
