Friday, February 01, 2008

Heart of darkness


Tecumseh said...

More details. How low can these guys sink? I guess there is no bottom, except Hell.

Tecumseh said...

A reader's comment: Did anyone spare a thought for the innocent non-humans slaughtered in this barbaric act? No, I didn't think so. - Tc, Leeds, U.K.

Mr roT said...

I don't guess he's talking about the retarded women. (Echoing Pepe here--miss him)

Tecumseh said...

Pepe would surely say: How about waterboarding at Gitmo? How about undies on the head at Abu Ghraib? Nyah, nyah, nyah -- moral equivalence, blah, blah, blah. Oh, boy, do I miss that crap!

Mr roT said...

It was god to have someone not agreeing with us all the time. A pity you and AA can't be civil when you're contradicted.

Tecumseh said...

I thought that's what McCain does! Calling crap crap is not being uncivil, just forcefully making a point. Nuance.

Mr roT said...

Nah. You would call Pepe snarky. I think that's in itself being snarky though I have no idea what snarky means. Put that in yer pipe and snark it, buddy.

Tecumseh said...

OK, OK, I may have over-reacted one or three times. But I was provoked! As for snarky: Rudely sarcastic or disrespectful; snide. Irritable or short-tempered; irascible. Google has > 2 million hits on it. Go back to Russia!

Tecumseh said...


Mr roT said...

I thought you meant this.

Tecumseh said...

Back to the subject: how Planet Pepe ullulates with joy whenever the head-hackers hack more heads. BTW, JJ, how am I supposed to say that nice and gently, and not offend Pepe's delicate sensibilities?

Arelcao Akleos said...

You can't, AI. Pepe Le Pew was a grand one for slinging out fire on all fronts, but when he got paid in kind runnin' for them thar hills and cryin' for his mami.
Once he made it a habit of invoking such as Ted Rall as his patron saint of argument, he lost all grounds for calling for Marquess of Queensbury rules.