Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thugs on The Wire

So far I'm about half way through the second season of the HBO series, "The Wire." Not bad, not bad at all. Here's what street thugs have to say about this year's (the 5th) season. I only get to them once they are released on DVD, though, so I won't be viewing season 5 for a bit, and thus can't comment on it yet.

A theme running throughout the first couple seasons, however, deals with how local cops trying to bust criminals also have to go head-to-head with the Feds, and also how career-driven mindsets -- judges, lawyers, and cops -- interfere with good police work.

Parts 2-4:

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Arelcao Akleos said...

Was this article an invention, or was the author claiming these "thugs" were the genuine article?
Since I've never even heard of the "Wire" my ignorance is clearly angelic bliss....who'd a thunk it.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, check it out sometime. Netflix maybe? I picked up season 1 as a Christmas present. Then I got season 2 for the discounted price of $40 at Best Buy. The thugs were, according to the author, the genuine article (former/retired drug dealers and ex-cons of more than 10+ years). The two main screenwriters are: 1 calm ex-Baltimore cop and; 1 angry ex-Baltimore Sun reporter. It dovetails nicely.