Friday, July 25, 2008

Kerry is baaack!

Aahhh, the advantage of being a pinko liberal! I always said that a big part of why the Pepes of this world decide to be pinkos is that it gives them carte blanche to say whatever they want, with total impunity from the MSM press. (And besides, they get the girls with hairy legs, and the ketchup heiresses.)


Tecumseh said...

And Mac is floundering: Obama's picture of the day yesterday: a huddle with Israeli President Shimon Peres. McCain's: a pose flanked by Kraft singles as he fielded reporters' questions in the cheese section of a Pennsylvania grocery store. Ah, but JJ thinks he's a genius.

The McCain camp's ineffectiveness is that much more appalling when you consider how much time it had to prepare while the Obama-Clinton battle dragged on. You don't say. Take a nap, Mac. JJ is gonna come back any time now, and tell us all how great a campaigner you are. Rah, rah, rah. Pffttt...

Tecumseh said...

In the meantime, the French are cutting yet again their military. Speak of a dog-bites-man story.

Unknown said...

Time for "John McCain for refrigerator magnet" refrigerator magnets.

Tecumseh said...

How about the Obama/Marx 08 refrigerator magnet?

Tecumseh said...

Why would he hide in a closet? His record is public: he's the most lefty member of the Senate. And, since there's an avowed Marxist in the senate (Bernie Sanders, that senator from Vermont), well, you draw the conclusion.

Pepe le Pew said...

great: you think there's a chance he'll replace the pledge with the "International" and Old Bore-y with hammer & sickle flags? I'm aching for more varied brainwashing.

Tecumseh said...

Lefties are more cunning nowadays than to show their true colors in such an obvious fashion. Also, they wanna make money, like any good old-fashioned kapitalist -- Obama is awash in mullah, and so arre most modern-day fellow-travelers. So, no, I don't expect him to wear the hammer and sickle on his lapel pin (though he put recently the US flag as a sop to the stooopid Ricains). But I do expect him to be an all-out pinko if he gets elected. After all, he said so, numerous times.

Pepe le Pew said...

After the last 8 years, one can only hope you are right.

Tecumseh said...

Watch what you wish for, Pepe. Do you doubt for a minute that Obama will double your taxes, the moment he sets foot in the WH -- with both houses of Congress firmly in pinko hands? May as well go back to France, where 50%+ tax rates are the norm -- at least, they have good cheese there. Why settle for an ersatz pinko nirvana among stooopid Ricains, when you can experience the full Nanny State Paradise?

Pepe le Pew said...

Yeah, the tax thing is going to suck, although it won't reach european levels. But ending the war and availability of healthcare are the two most important issues for me this time around.

Tecumseh said...

What exactly do you mean by "ending the war"? Surrendering to the head-hackers, with no precondition, like Obama says? And what exactly is wrong with the "availability of healthcare" in the US? You mean, you can't go to the doctor, and got to fly to Versailles anytime you need a checkup?

Pepe le Pew said...

yup. pulling out clear and simple. and if you want to cast it like a crushing victory, that's fine with me.

yes, healthcare like in the civilized world where you don't have to sell your house when your coverage runs out, or you're drpped, or you've lost your job & have a pre-existing condition. Healthcare for all.

Tecumseh said...

1) That's the usual cut-and-run, cheese-eating-surrender-monkey litany of the Pavlovian pinkos. Do you ever think an original thought in that regards?

2) I have no problem with the healthcare system we have. Looks OK to me. Sounds like the usual whining of the "I want my Nanny-State mommy to take care of me" of the pinkos. If you were poor, I'd have some sympathy -- and of course, poor people are covered by Medicaid (and the old ones by Medicare). Coming from someone who makes x times as much as me, this jeremiad leaves me cold.

Pepe le Pew said...

1/ Show fortitude, and fight until the death is more original ?
2/ I am afraid academics lives are very sheltered in that respect. But I am responsible for the healthcare or lack thereof of a staff of 9 people in the pricate sector and I truly pity them, and to a lesser extent myself for the ridiculous cost of such poor coverage: huge deductibles, low ceiling, resulting in nothing if god forbid you had a truly serious condition.

Of course, you could get medicare but that would only kick in after you had lost house, savings, everything you ever worked for.

There are so man ways to get screwed it's insane.

My favorite (so to speak): the guy that gets shot in the face last year 5 blocks from where I work that Humana tries to drop because being in the hospital, he isn't employed any longer (over $2M reconstructive surgery and no end in sight though - but what are insurances for?).

I really don't think you are open to changing your opinion but perhaps you ought to look at the reality of healthcare in america outside of academia.