Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Spengler Looks at Obama....sees Planet Pepe in all its Ricain Hatin' Gloire

"... I saw those Djakarta markets for what they were: fragile, precious things. The people who sold their goods there might have been poor, poorer even than folks out in Altgeld [the Chicago housing project where Obama engaged in community organizing]. They hauled fifty pounds of firewood on their backs every day, they ate little, they died young. And yet for all that poverty, there remained in their lives a discernible order, a tapestry of trading routes and middlemen, bribes to pay and customs to observe, the habits of a generation played out every day beneath the bargaining and the noise and the swirling dust....." [from Obama's book, Dreams of my Father]

The coherence of traditional society imposes a structure on life, a structure so rigid that such societies cannot adapt to change and must crumble before encroaching empire. In return for the sanctity of individual rights, Americans are freed from the constraints of traditional society and made responsible for their own actions. For an American presidential candidate to refer to traditional society as the model for the solution to American problems has no precedent. It is one thing to denounce American errors while upholding American principles. Never before has America considered electing a president who prefers the alternative, and that might just be the most dangerous thing to happen to the United States since its Civil War. " [Spencer's conclusion]

It's easy to see why Obama makes Le Pew's leg do the Mathews Jiggle. A Versaillian rule over a happy place where the peasants get to die young and without hope under good ol' traditional Planet Pepe values. All that, and Kayla too.


Mr roT said...

Does Osama want to take away our bacon, bottom line?

Mr roT said...

Kayla's is not a traditional market, but I hear she's backbreaking!

Arelcao Akleos said...

Bacon reeks of non-traditional, non "Die Young", non Indonesian values.
Say adieu to the smoky hams, JJ

Arelcao Akleos said...

Kayla knows that life is all about giving the shaft

Mr roT said...

She knows her smoky hams when she sees 'em too!

Mr roT said...

Cohen's very hopenotized.

Tecumseh said...

A vignette from the boonies: I was talking to someone (much older than McCain) the other day, and he asked: "So how's your first black President?" I had a bit of trouble convincing him the election is not yet over. But he wasn't really convinced.

Are we fokkked yet?

Mr roT said...

Bad news travels fast?