Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Huntington and Fouad


Tecumseh said...

Three possible American futures beckoned, Huntington said: cosmopolitan, imperial and national. In the first, the world remakes America, and globalization and multiculturalism trump national identity. In the second, America remakes the world: Unchallenged by a rival superpower, America would attempt to reshape the world according to its values, taking to other shores its democratic norms and aspirations. In the third, America remains America: It resists the blandishments -- and falseness -- of cosmopolitanism, and reins in the imperial impulse.

Clearly, option #2 (Team America Knows) has gone done the drain, at least for the foreseeable future. Option #3 isn't in much better shape. Right now, option #1 (Planet Pepe, the Pinko Nirvana) is dominant. We're fokked, truly so.

Mr roT said...

Thanks to Dr Huntington the Ivy-Cunt Democrat.

Tecumseh said...

Why blame Huntington, when there are countless others who have been pushing the Pinko Utopia on us for n generations? I'd rather blame Pepe.

Mr roT said...

Huntington was on Kerry's steering committee like you and AA. I blame anyone involved with Kerry for everything, including the entire Ivy League.

Tecumseh said...

Do you eat Heinz ketchup?

Tecumseh said...

I don't know whether that has anything to do with Jean-Francois Kerry. But I understand Heinz ketchup is what keeps him in his pad on Louisbourg square.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Fear of Teresa keeps him hunkering down in his Louisburg pad.

Anonymous said...
