Sunday, October 04, 2009

A Ciceronian Jeremiad

"when we elected Obama, the nation said "Look, ma, no hands!" with its eyes closed. It required corrupted judgment to be blind to what Obama was."

Yes, it did.

1 comment:

Mr roT said...

An excellent piece. I usually ignore American Thinker links because I don't think they are any. This writer agrees.

You may say that their parents knew nothing of these universities' true nature. But it was their place to find out.

Incidentally, he goes after some of the same ideas I was chasing a long time ago. And that is that for all our calling bin Laden a barbarian, we really have our own problems with civilization too.

Care to watch a Dr Dre video, my friends...?

As to restoring us to our Christian heritage, I am all for returning to that superstition over the others...