Monday, November 30, 2009
The Greenspan-Guidotti rule
.. says: The minimum benchmark of reserves equal to at least 100% of short-term external debt. But, The U.S. holds gold, oil, and foreign currency in reserve. It has 8,133.5 metric tonnes of gold (it is the world's largest holder). At current dollar values, it's worth around $300 billion. The U.S. strategic petroleum reserve shows a current total position of 725 million barrels. At current dollar prices, that's roughly $58 billion worth of oil. And according to the IMF, the U.S. has $136 billion in foreign currency reserves. So altogether... that's around $500 billion of reserves. Our short-term foreign debts are far bigger. According to the U.S. Treasury, $2 trillion worth of debt will mature in the next 12 months. So looking only at short-term debt, we know the Treasury will have to finance at least $2 trillion worth of maturing debt in the next 12 months. That might not cause a crisis if we were still funding our national debt internally. But since 1985, we've been a net debtor to the world. Today, foreigners own 44% of all our debts, which means we owe foreign creditors at least $880 billion in the next 12 months – an amount far larger than our reserves. Keep in mind, this only covers our existing debts. The Office of Management and Budget is predicting a $1.5 trillion budget deficit over the next year. That puts our total funding requirements on the order of $3.5 trillion over the next 12 months.
The stink of intellectual corruption
.. is not overpowering enough to waft up to those refined pinko-aristo nostrils.
The French reaction

Huckabee's Pardon Kills 4 of Seattle's Finest
On Sunday, Huckabee issued this statement on his Web site: "Should he be found to be responsible for [killing 4 Seattle police officers], it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington state."
The problem here...
The problem here...
Bad Americans,
Good Cops,
A joyous Krauthammer
Couple days ago I complained to Tecs that VDH always groans. I kept it to myself that Krauthammer rarely leaves the house without his shillelagh, but here he's outright cheery.
Turkey must've been better than the kittens he usually eats live.
Turkey must've been better than the kittens he usually eats live.
The beat goes on
As predicted, the Lysenkoist establishment marches on, oblivious to the knuckledraggers dragging their knuckles. Shuddup and pay, yall. That's the spirit!
Lysenko's follies,
pinko Versailles
Obama Clean of Slate; or Pepe does Pravda

REGURGE: For Kimball having bitter fun.
Steyn having fun
Dunno who's right here. E Anglia said they're giving all their data out but these stories say they're lost. What's right?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Dinosaur media out to pasture
More: Over here the brain-dead twits doing their best to turn the Boston Globe circulation figures into Michael Mann's phony hockey stick upside down are going with "Boston Faces Deep Risk From Sea-Level Rise." Holy shit. Quick, AA, let's go put our fingers in the dike.
Waiting for Feynman

"LA Times
Re “Climate change dust-up,” Nov. 22 and “A legal dry hole,” Editorial, Nov. 22
It will be interesting if the hacker who reportedly broke into the secret climate files will try the same defense as the student who disrupted the oil lease sale. His motive? To dramatize the climate issue before the politicians who have already made a mess of things do irreparable harm to the economy at their upcoming U.N. climate conclave in Copenhagen.
There is a larger issue here, though, and it shouts out from the files that have been released so far: cognitive dissonance. If climate change is indeed such a serious problem, why do they send in the B-team to solve it?The filched files reveal an appallingly low level of comprehension and competence among those entrusted with such critical research.
This is where we need another Richard Feynman, someone with the integrity and ability to seek the truth, however the chips may fall. Otherwise the public is bound to ask: If you don't think this is worth the very best science available, why should we care?
Gilbert Dewart
Pasadena "
The toilet is backing up

Saturday, November 28, 2009
A dinky little scandal
More: During the Bush Administration, it was Pulitzer material to expose anti-terrorism methods and operations ... But when it comes to the hundreds of emails exposing the “scientists” who are manufacturing fraudulent data that is being used to seize control of the U.S.—and world—economy in the name of “global warming,” the New York Times is suddenly queasy about exposing documents that were “never intended for the public eye.” The last time they kept a secret this well, was when Stalin was starving millions of Ukrainians to death.
Mann & Jones' buddy at the NYT talks
In case you've forgotten, here's another writing sample of Mr Revken's.
A Hot Air double bill
The top link is just something about the NYT seeing rather belatedly that 'bams is an amateur. Stopped clock and all that.
Ho hum.
That page links to this which is much more interesting, in a bilge-pumping sense.
I had read about Samantha Power before, even skimmed a couple of her plodding, confused and throughly self-confident and deranged Harvardian papers. But this interview puts Mrs Sammy Susstein out in Van Jones territory.
As Johnny Carson used to say, God rest his soul,"I did not know that."
As you know, Sammy is back in the Odministration, though she spent a few weeks in the woodshed for calling Hillary a monster. Now she's back to helping us figure out what to do about the Jews.
Well, go figure.
Tecs, I am at a loss as to what label to use here given that this interview with Sammy has me completely at a loss. These people are not only incompetent, they are wannabe conspirators.
Put whatever you see fit in that box.
Ho hum.
That page links to this which is much more interesting, in a bilge-pumping sense.
I had read about Samantha Power before, even skimmed a couple of her plodding, confused and throughly self-confident and deranged Harvardian papers. But this interview puts Mrs Sammy Susstein out in Van Jones territory.
As Johnny Carson used to say, God rest his soul,"I did not know that."
As you know, Sammy is back in the Odministration, though she spent a few weeks in the woodshed for calling Hillary a monster. Now she's back to helping us figure out what to do about the Jews.
Well, go figure.
Tecs, I am at a loss as to what label to use here given that this interview with Sammy has me completely at a loss. These people are not only incompetent, they are wannabe conspirators.
Put whatever you see fit in that box.
The czarist method

The pinko scientific method
In 2005 Warwick asked Phil for the dataset that was used to create the CRU temperature record. Phil Jones famously replied:
Subject: Re: WMO non respondo
… Even if WMO agrees, I will still not pass on the data. We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it. …
Cheers Phil
From: Phil Jones:
To: mann
Leave it to you to delete as appropriate !
Cheers Phil
PS I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act !
Subject: Re: WMO non respondo
… Even if WMO agrees, I will still not pass on the data. We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it. …
Cheers Phil
From: Phil Jones:
To: mann
Leave it to you to delete as appropriate !
Cheers Phil
PS I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act !
Stoning of the Devil
Wags aplenty:This is so beautiful.
Even as a Catholic I have to say that the rituals and worship in Islam are beautiful and moving.
I love hearing the call to prayer which we get to hear quite a bit here in brooklyn.. ..
Also love seeing the NYC food cart guys in the busiest city streets whip out their mats to bow and pray as they face Mecca since they are required pray 5 times a day.
Even as a Catholic I have to say that the rituals and worship in Islam are beautiful and moving.
I love hearing the call to prayer which we get to hear quite a bit here in brooklyn.. ..
Also love seeing the NYC food cart guys in the busiest city streets whip out their mats to bow and pray as they face Mecca since they are required pray 5 times a day.
Chaos and Corruption: The Problem Present

Friday, November 27, 2009
Bottom line:
Al Gore has 1 Nobel Prize.
Freeman Dyson has zero.
End of story.
All of your bases are belong to us.
Get bent.
Freeman Dyson has zero.
End of story.
All of your bases are belong to us.
Get bent.
Suicide watch at the Guardian

Two gems and a question for Dr Belgie:
1) One of these papers which was published in the journal Climate Research turned out to be so badly flawed that the scandal resulted in the resignation of the editor-in-chief.
I wonder if this is the same guy that was railroaded out by Jones and Mann.
2) When it comes to his handling of Freedom of Information requests, Professor Jones might struggle even to use a technical defence. If you take the wording literally, in one case he appears to be suggesting that emails subject to a request be deleted, which means that he seems to be advocating potentially criminal activity. [...]
I feel desperately sorry for him: he must be walking through hell. But there is no helping it; he has to go, and the longer he leaves it, the worse it will get. He has a few days left in which to make an honourable exit.
This handwringing reminds me of the scot-free sentence that a certain friend from Boston days advocated for any and every crime. You know who you are, and despite Polansky's gilded prison, it's a bad day to be you! So fucking Seethe!
3) Hey Tecs! Since you're an expert on the Frenchy language, is Monbiot the French word for moonbat?
[Add pic of George "the Great Moonbat" Monbiot, kicking and screaming while trying to make a citizen's arrest, in typical Pepe-off-his-meds fashion. -- Tecs]
Bad rapist! You must NOT leave this place!

Errr, who in the hell in his right mind would leave that house if he could avoid it? Just ship in the teenagers!
Peer to peer
This is fokken genius.
Could you idiots try to read a little here? I think it is highly worthwhile, about like Iowahawk, yet you mouthbreathers don't give it a chance.
Could you idiots try to read a little here? I think it is highly worthwhile, about like Iowahawk, yet you mouthbreathers don't give it a chance.
Mann-ipulating Data to Hide Da Decline
Youtube can be a Force For Good.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
AlGorean science
What exactly is meant by “corrected” MXD, you ask? Outstanding question — and the answer appears amorphous from program to program. Indeed, while some employ one or two of the aforementioned “corrections,” others throw everything but the kitchen sink at the raw data prior to output.
For instance, in subfolder “osborn-tree6\mann\oldprog” there’s a program ( that calibrates the MXD data against available local instrumental summer (growing season) temperatures between 1911-1990, then merges that data into a new file. That file is then digested and further modified by another program ( which creates calibration statistics for the MXD against the stored temperature and “estimates” (infills) figures where such temperature readings were not available. The file created by that program is modified once again by, which “corrects it” – as described by the author — by “identifying and “artificially” removing “the decline.”
For instance, in subfolder “osborn-tree6\mann\oldprog” there’s a program ( that calibrates the MXD data against available local instrumental summer (growing season) temperatures between 1911-1990, then merges that data into a new file. That file is then digested and further modified by another program ( which creates calibration statistics for the MXD against the stored temperature and “estimates” (infills) figures where such temperature readings were not available. The file created by that program is modified once again by, which “corrects it” – as described by the author — by “identifying and “artificially” removing “the decline.”
Now there's some straight, unbiased reporting!
As Professor Plimer pointed out when I interviewed him in the summer, this threatens to cause enormous economic damage in Australia’s industrial and mining heartlands, not least because both are massively dependent on Australia’s vast reserves of coal. It is correspondingly extremely unpopular with Aussie’s outside the pinko, libtard metropolitan fleshpots.
Another Columbia prof explains everything
Summary: Islam is not inherently violent because it provided the threat of violence (in Malcolm X) that was useful to MLK in the civil rights movement. Ergo, Islam isn't dangerous or too radical. Got it, O Prisoner of Logic?
Lysenko graphing
We have discovered that the warming in New Zealand over the past 156 years was indeed man-made, but it had nothing to do with emissions of CO2—it was created by man-made adjustments of the temperature. You don't say.
In the meantime, MSM is totally oblivious (duhhh...), while new gems emerge from those hacked emails.
In the meantime, MSM is totally oblivious (duhhh...), while new gems emerge from those hacked emails.
Well now, this is just dandy!
Hölder, you're a genius, another of those ineffective geniuses that are ever more geniotic for their ineffectuality. Beautiful, just beautiful. He's got Joschka Fischer in on KSM's trial.
Nous sommes tous des couilles.
Nous sommes tous des couilles.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sarah Palin's scaremongering
It's not really a big deal, I am sure. Anyway, 'bams gonna fix it all right up.
REGURGE: Worse than originally thought. They want to screen admissions for people that think right.
REGURGE: Worse than originally thought. They want to screen admissions for people that think right.
Obama leaves WH clutching GQ mag -- featuring himself...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Kick Ass Party on Planet Pepe
Monday, November 23, 2009
Iowahawk Da Naturalist

"Professor Nigel V.H. Oldham
Like other species in the order homo scientifica, the climate researcher gathers and organizes data to lure grant money to the hive. In contrast to those other species, however, the climate researcher has evolved a set of complex violent behaviors to insure the data entering and leaving the hive is perfectly adapted to nature's most lucrative and sweetest grants. It really is a marvel of natural selection, and explain why the climate researcher continues to thrive in any kind of weather condition. "
A Simple Case of Action-Reaction

Blind Obamaphilia, meet Comeuppance [this for us, and for the Danes]
Sounds like someone from FCP, who shall remain nameless, or just call him "Not From Planet Pepe", left this comment:
"America should have a cowboy in the White House. Cowboys are intelligent without being intellectual. They're simple without being simplistic. They are straight forward and don't see seventeen shades of gray when they don't exist. They'll stand beside you when your fair-weather friends desert you and they understand the supreme virtue of action. Every free nation, not just America, should have a cowboy-type leader. Cowboys should be looked upon as a positive, though it's not surprising that most of Europe and, sadly, a good portion of America don't grasp this. They're too sophisticated to. "
Jimmah's Asst Sec of State calls Obama incompetent
Of course, all the while being the most intelligent person since Einstein.
Divus Barackus Obamus peius quam Jimmahæ Carteræ.
Divus Barackus Obamus peius quam Jimmahæ Carteræ.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fat thieves
REGURGE: Ah, nothing to see here, just an urban legend from the Amazon jungle, way up in the Andes -- says Mr Rot. Whatever, man.
The EndGame in the Global Chessmatch

“We all too often mistake the nature of those negotiations in Copenhagen,” remarked professor Flannery. “We think of them as being concerned with some sort of environmental treaty. That is far from the case. The negotiations now ongoing toward the Copenhagen agreement are in effect diplomacy at the most profound global level. They deal with every aspect of our life and they will influence every aspect of our life, our economy, our society.”
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The unbearable lightness of being an Euro-boss
"All human beings must, at some point in their lives, choose between mystery and absurdity…" Happily, the EU combines both qualities in abundance.
MSM is on the case

Al Gore the Science Guy,
MSM Party Line
[W]henever the president's not talking about himself, he sounds like he's wandered vaguely off-message.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Hey MFT! Go back to whichever of those states you're from
...or whatever! Is this football or basketball shit, anyway?
Columbia hotshot whacked by S. Carolina hayseed
Figures. More.
REGURGE for Tulane KNUCKLEDRAGGER attacking DoJ BS-artist-in-residence.
It's a bad bad day to be Tecs or AA...
REGURGE for Tulane KNUCKLEDRAGGER attacking DoJ BS-artist-in-residence.
It's a bad bad day to be Tecs or AA...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Fargo 2: The Okies Come to Cass County
The sequel (click on title link above) based on a true story too.
Bad Americans,
North Dakota,
Per Oklahoma ad Astra
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Carter. Period. Taco.
Do we have to wait for the skinny guy to say "malaise" or can we call this one over now?
Et tu, brutte?
There are no more left. More, if you can stand it.
The Democrat coalition: The elites (above) and the ghetto.
Bedfellows indeed.
Octogenarian syphilitic tramp can't bring herself to adequately hate. Guess we'll have to wait fro Frank Rich.
The Democrat coalition: The elites (above) and the ghetto.
Bedfellows indeed.
Octogenarian syphilitic tramp can't bring herself to adequately hate. Guess we'll have to wait fro Frank Rich.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our Hasan Apologists Sober Up Hitch
Doesn't sound like he has an ounce of ouiskie flowing in his veins. Gen. Casey and co. have made a teetotaler out of him?
The Brits are Three for Three

Huxley, Orwell, and Burgess. They saw the Dystopia when it wasn't even a Pepean pipedream. The last glory of English literature, before the abyss drowns it all: to be Cassandra for the Fall of the West.
Suck it, Green Bay. Suck it long, and hard.

This autumn I've been making efforts to get more involved in something that interests the broader public (for some reason, not many of my generation can carry on a conversation about Tolstoy's "War and Peace" or Aristotle's "Rhetoric and Poetics" beyond the open mouth breathing response). While soccer seems like one of those sports, on the northern Plains the majority of the demographic follows the Ice Hockey, or the NFL. After a 10 year hiatus from being a Minnesota Vikings fan, I've returned to following the purple and gold on a weekly basis (the day is usually punctuated with about 5 pitchers of Summit EPA and either ribs or hotdogs). So far, the Green Bay anti-Christ Brett Favre has fit well with the rest of the Vikings ball club. And since pops and I have followed the team from since I can remember, and since neither of us have actually attended an NFL football game, I secured us (and my uncle and cousin) tickets to the December 13th game against the Cincinnati Bengals. Something like row 15, just behind the Vikings bench (I got this lawyer friend who works for the North Dakota AG's office, you see, and he needed to off-load a couple season tickets).
As of 11/15/2009, the Vikings are 8-1-0, first place in the NFC North. But we Vikings fans understand what all this means, so we guard our emotions by not getting emotional about really anything. This hybrid stoicism arguably fits well with our Scandinavian heritage in Minnesota and the northern Plains.
Joys of PepeCare
Remember when Pepe was shilling for AmeriSoc, on the theory it will bring down his small-business insurance costs? Now he's gonna squeal like a pig. It’s a particularly lousy deal for the number one job creators—small businesses. “They’re catatonic when they hear the numbers. It’s a horrifying shock.’’ Well, duhhh.
AmeriSoc Da Bootyfull,
l'arroseur arrose
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Nanny State takes charge
The government abducted 7-year-old Dan Schulz while the family was sleeping. He can be heard on tape screaming that he doesn't want to leave his home. His mother, Heidi, pleads with police to not take her son. Day at the office. Pepe ululates. The beat goes on.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Irony for Da Pepe
Dershowitz paints grim scenario
and then decides for no reason to support this. Is it pinko logic at work here, or is it Obama grandstanding and headed for a massive $Failed?
An Agent of Change for FCP
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Where are...
...the pics on FCP about this Brazilian chick's mini skirt and her getting escorted from university? I heard it on satellite BBC radio a day or two ago (all over doing fieldwork on the high plains — you guys know my story). Those with sedentary jobs ought to be searching the web a bit more for some pics so we can properly evaluate the mini skirt length and such.
International Women's Day
Snafu? Uh Huh, Like a Dade County Chad Chomper
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ace sums it up
There is a fallacy in the theory of evolution, often cautioned against, to imagine evolution as one long "march of progress" in which every mutation and selection works, teleologically, to produce the supreme form of being (that would be us). It's a vanity science has no use of.
On the other hand, there is Obama. 100,000 years of human history have unfolded in just this precisely-right way to contrive in his person the Ultimate Man.
There is no agenda of Obama; rather, physics and history have an agenda leading us to Obama.
The universe has conspired benevolently to bring us him.
What a stupid dick.
On the other hand, there is Obama. 100,000 years of human history have unfolded in just this precisely-right way to contrive in his person the Ultimate Man.
There is no agenda of Obama; rather, physics and history have an agenda leading us to Obama.
The universe has conspired benevolently to bring us him.
What a stupid dick.
Another in a Series of Unfortunate Events in Obamakles U.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
From an Unlikely Source, A Clear Depiction

But Chris Mathews just gets thrillered into submission.
"Intimidation – that is, causing others to react with upset and fear – is a fundamental principle of mind control, fully capable of causing the victim's loyalties to shift toward the intimidator, whether a schoolyard bully, gang leader, child molester, hostage-taking bank robber or Islamic radical.
"Political correctness" – which is basically a low-grade Stockholm syndrome playing out on a broad societal stage – is actually a subtle form of brainwashing. Even establishment mouthpiece Newsweek, in its famous Dec. 24, 1990, cover story on the then-new phenomenon of political correctness on college campuses (titled "Thought Police") conceded this truth when it reported: "PC is, strictly speaking, a totalitarian philosophy."
Bottom line: We're intimidated, bullied, threatened, terrorized – and so we capitulate, not just in word and deed, but in thought. Get it?"
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Versailles Red in Tooth and Claw...and Abiding

"So he advocated a 'long march through the institutions' to capture the citadels of the culture and turn them into a collective fifth column, undermining from within and turning all the core values of society upside-down and inside-out.
This strategy has been carried out to the letter."
Saul Alinsky was much influenced by Gramsci, big fucking surprise.
Our Crack Homeland Security Bozos Never Saw This Coming?
Political Correctness? What is it but a cloak for the monsters that would destroy us? The appeasement and self imposed blinders of both the Bush and Obama administrations when it comes to Islam Militant, is unforgiveable. But at least with Bush you could place your money on the bet that he at least meant well for this nation. With Obama, the bet is on his unabashed ill will.
Reagan was WRONG!
Bring back the GULAG! Bring back the Stasi! Kill us sheep! Pen us up! Obama, hilfe uns!
An ex-Stasi guy gets it right, while Prof. Harvard is still pining for the barbed wire. Gorbi gets caught in BS mode.
Goldberg tipped by roT.
An ex-Stasi guy gets it right, while Prof. Harvard is still pining for the barbed wire. Gorbi gets caught in BS mode.
Goldberg tipped by roT.
Nuttin' but fokken class
Later, in an appearance at the White House, he said he had told lawmakers, "to rise to this moment. Answer the call of history, and vote yes for health insurance reform for America."
Participants also said Obama had referred to this week's shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, in which 13 people were killed. His remarks put in perspective that the hardships soldiers endure for the country are "what sacrifice really is," as opposed to "casting a vote that might lose an election for you," said Rep. Robert Andrews, D-N.J.
A dyspeptic Palin.
Participants also said Obama had referred to this week's shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, in which 13 people were killed. His remarks put in perspective that the hardships soldiers endure for the country are "what sacrifice really is," as opposed to "casting a vote that might lose an election for you," said Rep. Robert Andrews, D-N.J.
A dyspeptic Palin.
It Was All For Nothing, for Fucking Nothing
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