Monday, November 02, 2009

Gutless Goppers Never Get Da Goil

"Many of the GOP’s boneheaded mistakes come from exactly the same source as the Democrats’ boneheaded mistakes: the tendency to believe the media action line about themselves. This produces arrogance in the Democrats, while the Republicans are like awkward, lovestruck teenagers – terrified the slightest bit of confident self-expression will blow their chances with the cute moderate in the pink sweater seated beside them in homeroom class".


Mr roT said...

A million bucks the GOP blew on Dede. Wow. Republican voters would be well-advised to ignore the people who engineered the Scozzafava debacle, and listen for the sound of Sarah Palin’s monster truck instead. America needs conservatives more than it needs Republicans.

Mr roT said...

..pace Tecs of course. Some of those engineers went to Harvard...

Tecumseh said...

I very much doubt it. Dede must have been selected by a bunch of yahoo dinos, not Harvard-educated young turks.

Tecumseh said...

Epater who? If Cambridge is not inured to pinko antics, who is? (Besides Berkeley, that is.)

Mr roT said...

Palin pour epater les bien pensants.

Tecumseh said...

Funny: "We thought Rudy endorsing would have been the game changer," says an NRCC source. "But even he wasn't going to eat the dog food we were trying to sell. We had a lousy candidate...".

Tecumseh said...

"We assumed she was a lot like other northeastern Republicans, similar to the [Susan] Collinses of the world," says the aide. "We had no idea she was that far to the left until we started reading about her on the blogs." Those damn knuckledraggers!

Mr roT said...

Wrong link, Prof Alz! Poww. Pay up!