Friday, May 14, 2010

Because Pepe Hates Inconvenient Truths


Tecumseh said...

Lukyanov reports that the real number of casualties on Tiananmen Square was 3,000.

Gorbachev: We must be realists. They, like us, have to defend themselves. Three thousands . . . So what?

The perfect, knee-jerk Pepean answer.

Tecumseh said...

Kenneth Coates, who from 1989 to 1998 was a British member of the European Parliament, approached Zagladin on January 9, 1990, to discuss what amounted to a gradual merger of the European Parliament and the Supreme Soviet. Coates, says Zagladin, explained that “creating an infrastructure of cooperation between the two parliament[s] would help . . . to isolate the rightists in the European Parliament (and in Europe), those who are interested in the USSR’s collapse.”

Birds of like feather...

Tecumseh said...

“If the report given to Mr. Gorbachev is true, it means that Lord Kinnock approached one of Britain’s enemies in order to seek approval regarding his party’s defense policy and, had he been elected, Britain’s defense policy,” Batten said to the European Parliament in 2009. “If this report is true, then Lord Kinnock would be guilty of treason.”

But, but, says Herr Rot--the Brits don't have a Constitution, let alone Article 3, Section 3--which, anyways, never applies. Ergo.

Mr roT said...

The proof that treason is out of fashion is that even your fruity Brits ain't going for it anymore, Tecs.

I mean get with the ``programme."

Tecumseh said...

"Treason out of fashion"? I'm not sure of the Rotter Logik in there, but I assume you mean, "it's out of fashion in Rottea to prosecute treason", which is not quite the same statement, is it?

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Willingness to Prosecute Treason= k/ Magnitude of Treason".

So Rotto is again a Marvolo of Wrongo.

He's complex in manifold ways.

Mr roT said...

Messers Stramen strike...