Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Connecting the dots is an impossible task

The Pakistani Taliban boast of involvement in the Times Square plot had been discounted in mainstream media. New York’s Democratic Senator Charles Schumer suggested, early on, “The odds are quite high that this was a lone wolf.” The Obama administration’s homeland security czarina, Janet Napolitano, downplayed the incident as a “one-off,” whatever that means.


Mr roT said...

One-off, just like Hasan and Abd. What is there not to understand?

Tecumseh said...

Or 9/11, London, Madrid, Bali, etc, etc. They were all one-off events. Like individual vertices in a graph: they occur with multiplicity 1--duhhh. And no two vertices ever get connected--it's a theorem.

Mr roT said...

A thousand points of light, Tecs. Pretty.

Tecumseh said...

We are in good hands. Rot's sweethearts are on the case.