Saturday, May 01, 2010

High Noonan for Da Naztea Party

Her best column in an aeon. Rott seethes.


Mr roT said...

I'm not seething. It's a pretty good piece, with one very good paragraph, and essentially the only policy that has ever made sense; put up a fence.

All the atmospherics of course get AA all misty-eyed for the old days in the John Birch Society, but well, I am tolerant.

Arelcao Akleos said...

That's da Rott & Griffiths. Good ol' Goobers spreadin' der Tolerance.

Tecumseh said...

The establishments of the American political parties, and the media, are full of people who think concern about illegal immigration is a mark of racism. If you were Freud you might say, "How odd that's where their minds so quickly go, how strange they're so eager to point an accusing finger. Could they be projecting onto others their own, heavily defended-against inner emotions?" But let's not do Freud, he's too interesting. Maybe they're just smug and sanctimonious.

She talking to Rot?