Sunday, May 09, 2010

Hölder lives up to his umlaut!

Obama cracking up, claims iPads racist, cellphones dangerous. Shows up in Rose Garden with Tecs-like tinfoil hat. Waves arms and seethes.
Is this a malaise speech? How many are we up to now?


Tecumseh said...

With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment...

I very much sympathize with the statement. But of course, this is suspect, coming as it does from a guy who keeps using Berries and whatever. I myself never figured out how a Nokia works -- and I don't have the slightest urge doing so. It's all an unwelcome diversion.

Tecumseh said...

Good point. But my beef is with the idiotic way information travels through these gizmos. What's wrong with, say, a real phone?

Mr roT said...

Gimme your computer, Luddite.

Tecumseh said...

Computers are another can of fish. I kind of understand these gizmos. But cell phones? Never.

Mr roT said...

...the idiotic way information travels through these gizmos.

We understand computers less because there's more to understand and know nothing about either.