Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Joys of nationalization

Don't worry, be happy, Herr Rot. Your egg nest is in good hands.
[Added. Illus. -- roT]


Mr roT said...

A couple newspapers here have been stirring the pot about the Greek bailout/handout.

Yesterday, one of them had a spread on what taxpayers' money could do here if it weren't being sent to Athens to feather the nests and fill the champagne-cabinets of the do-nothings there.

It was an impressive list of needed freeway improvements, needed tunnels, needed new trains on heavily-travelled routes, housing improvements, and so on, not to mention (wait for it...) a taxcut.

Today's paper indicated that they were wrong yesterday and had undercounted to the tune of a billion euros. Oh well.

I'll tell you, they stirred it up so good that I feel like punching a Greek myself and I am on the dole here.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, did you know it's anti-constitutional in Greece to have private Universities? I didn't. Perhaps you'll feel better now handing them dollops of money.

Mr roT said...

They have U[sic]niversities?

Tecumseh said...

Are you stooping so low now and criticize my way of capitalizing nouns, Herr Rot (or is it herr rot?) I thought you like being in a Universität, no?

Mr roT said...

Only "Bar" should be capitalized, in my book, and I ain't talkin shysters.

Tecumseh said...

Getting back on track (after a Herr Stramansky detour): Pay up, Rot, pay up! Griechenland is counting on you.

Tecumseh said...

News of the tautological: First, though all countries are theoretically responsible for investing in the IMF's lending pool, not all of them have currencies that potential borrowers can use. (Think of Zimbabwean dollars or Venezuelan pesos.)

Mr roT said...

Think of Tecs' VCP stash. Oh yeah, you owe and you'll pay and all that. Then there's some lame story about Derrière-Jouët or some bs, always talking about like Mugabe, Tecs is...