Sunday, May 09, 2010

Some h8er gets it right

where Tecs had it wrong. (I can't find where you posted this idiot)


Arelcao Akleos said...

Sounds more like he has it right where you have it wrong.

Mr roT said...

How did I have it? I was simply opposed to "papers please." Tecs posted this under some kind of updated islamohysterophobia.

Arelcao Akleos said...

No "Papers Please" for illegals, but "Papers Please" out the whazoo for legals?

I have no idea where Tecumseh is supposed to have posted this, but your "h8er" is far more aligned with Tecumseh on what this "No Papers Please" crowd is about than you are.

Mr roT said...

I am having trouble aligning with your grammar.

My objection to the "papers please" regime of course includes citizens. Duh. In fact, I don't care what you do with illegals. They're breaking the law. Point is and has always been that cops getting an inch will take a mile and the law as it was originally written pretty much allowed cops to go around asking anyone they pleased for papers.

Now of course they can dream up probable causes just like they've always done, but at least it isn't in the law.

Nothing to do with this post or how Tecs tagged it before.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The law as currently written is still "Papers, Please'. The spelling out every little point only made that even clearer. Showing identification, verifying who you are, doing a quick background check , has all been standard m.o. for encounters with police the last couple of decades. Just as it was, yet again, for me this past friday.
The "No Papers Please" crowd ain't flexing their political muscle, or other muscle, about a concern as to what police require of Ricains. The goal is openly political, and antagonistic to this country. The "You are Racist" lingo was just standard operating procedure from the Left to intimidate those who supported Arizona's right to uphold immigration laws in the face of Federal disdain for their enforcement. Both Tecumseh and I noted this, while out of Wien came ....hmmmm... what was it, "Nazis!" ? "Racists"?
Whatever your subsequent latching on to the spelling out the law as sufficient answering all your plaints, consisting of such wonders as the word "stop' replacing the word "contact", your "h8er" is in accord with us as to what the opponents of this law are about... not in opposition at all.

Mr roT said...

Bull. The law is flat different now no matter what Rush says.

Mr roT said...

Where did you have to show papers to a cop this Friday, AA?

Mr roT said...

encounters with police


Mr roT said...

What you done, boy?

Mr roT said...

Hey, I never called anyone racist about the stupid law and neither did anyone among the few sane at NRO and HotAir that were arguing about that incredibly stupid language.

The law as it originally came out of the bowels of intellect would have allowed the cops to go after witnesses and victims.


That's included in lawful contact and is not in "stop."

Arelcao Akleos said...

I done being Passing by Poolhouse While On Way to Theater Room While Being Portuguese. The copper had me cold.

Arelcao Akleos said...

So Illegal Immigrant Igor watches Illegal Immigrant Rafael ventilate Illegal Immigrant Victim Niouky.
Igor and Niouky walk in your world? So what is this illegality about if you cannot by law distinguish between those who are here legally as opposed to illegally?
The only difference is that the legal immigrant assailant is screwed and the illegal immigrant assailant gets consular services?

Mr roT said...

Walking while reeking of bacalhao. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, AA.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Fortunately my Papers were in order. Lucio runs a professional racket down by Framigham way.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Because getting the slap on the wrist of deportation ain't much compared to it now being known you witnessed a hit?

Mr roT said...

Totally crazy. No cop ever asked me for ID except when I was DUI.

Mr roT said...

You have a bit of trouble dealing with hypotheticals, AA.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hey, no chance of you and Tecumseh having a battle of the brews while he's over there?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Every time a cop has stopped me, whether bittybopping down the street or in a car or taking a shortcut to the Theater...they have always asked for my ID. Never has failed.
Only thing that has been hypothetical has been their forbearance in so asking.

Mr roT said...

That's a pretty good hypo. Yeah, supposed to see him in Pisa in a bit. Forget the date. Going to Rome this weekend, so maybe come back to work a day or two late and catch up.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pisa? That's convenient to you both?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Haven't carried a pistol since 1983.
Hmmmm, maybe it's about time I earnt me some of that there Paper, Please policing.

Mr roT said...

I think that's where he is. Nothing is convenient to me now. I have to go to Rome, then race back here for Monday-Thur, then run to Prague for Sunday. It's a mess. Germany's right after Prague also. Shit.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Your plight is heartbreaking. You wish to switch lives?

Mr roT said...

It sucks being on the road so much.