Monday, May 10, 2010

Tell me Harriet Myers would have been worse

Kagan doesn't know the difference between lawful contact and lawful stop. Must be that Tecs and AA are pullin hard for her like they were for John Edwards.
Plus: How to get a top-flight academic job in Chicago!


Tecumseh said...

JUSTICE SCALIA: I don’t understand what you are saying. I mean, we are not a self — self-starting institution here. We only disapprove of something when somebody asks us to. And if there was no occasion for us to approve or disapprove, it proves nothing whatever that we didn’t disapprove it.

I mean, duhhh... Scalia vs Kagan. It's like -- I'm a loss. Please, guys, help me.

Mr roT said...

Something like this?

Tecumseh said...

Like Pepe waxing poetic on the joys of socialism?

Mr roT said...

In college everyone can be an idiot. She had this notoriously idiotic prof between her and a glorious career she'd have to do very little for.

I would likely have written all kind of shit for a letter of recommendation from Wilentz and the free ride to Harvard or Chicago or wherever she went.

They're all whores and they breed nothing but.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The Groves of Academe are all about the Whoreticulture.

Tecumseh said...

Seethe time?

Mr roT said...

I'll take a tenure job for my pubs. I think it's only fair. Also I am not such an idiot as Kagan is.

Tecumseh said...

And the point is?

Mr roT said...

I mean, she like had DICK! How the hell did they give her tenure. How'd she get the Harvard gig and then the Dean job there?

This is Ward Churchill territory here and you're bored by it all. Supposedly you went after Churchill because he was a fraud, not because you didn't like what he said about Eichmanns or whatever.

Hell, he's as qualified to be some dumbass lecturer in Colorado as Kagada is to be tenured at Chicago Law.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Remember, under President Sonnenschein U. Chicago brought in not only Der Fraud Frau Kagan but also Obama The Manchurian Kandidat. That socialist pig corrupted the University, and brought in corrupt and corrupting socialists.
Still, Chicago is not quite up to Harvard's standards. It took a true Versaillean spirit to make Kagan Dean of the Law School, and Obamakles head of the Law Review.

What up a bunch of overwheening hacks.

Mr roT said...

Good point, but I will take it further. Who are we to judge those idiots? Yes, they made Kagan a proconsul like Caligula, but we voters made horse Obama president.