Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where to moor the Versailles yacht?

REGURGE, and follow-up: of course, Herr Rot was pulling hard for JFK, way back when, so now he pretends there is nothing to see here, just move on.
RE-REGURGE: JFK is as much a master of the non-sequitur as Der Rotter: When asked "Did you berth the boat in Massachusetts?" he replied, "That depends on who owns it."
Re-Re-Regurge: Life is a bitch.
Pay up: So now everyone is laughing at Liveshot again, and there’s one explanation. It’s all Bush’s fault.


Mr roT said...

Taxes are for schmucks, Tecs! Pay up!

Arelcao Akleos said...

Poor Lord John Kerry. Ever afflicted by rubes and peasants who simply do not have the je ne sais quois to properly appreciate Versailles. Is it not enough that their Betters shit glitters with gold?

Mr roT said...

That's no non-sequitur, Tecs. That's Clintonese!

Tecumseh said...

Well, OK, I'll grant you that much: A Clintonesque non-sequitur.

Tecumseh said...

Stinking peasants bitching and moaning:

“That’s why those yachts tie up in Newport, because it’s one more loophole for the rich. It’s always been that way,” sailor Steve Kavanagh, owner of a modest 26-foot boat, told the Herald. “My problem is, Kerry’s someone who doesn’t hesitate to raise my taxes. When it comes to paying his share on this boat, it seems to be a different story.”