Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Joys of state-run press

Schiller said that is what he is “most disappointed by in this country, which is that the educated, so-called elite in this country is too small a percentage of the population, so that you have this very large un-educated part of the population that carries these ideas.” Aahh, the burden of the pinko man.
REGURGE: bus is getting crowded.
RE-REGURGE O'Keefe going to get more scalps? [roT]
Taranto beside himself with joy.


Mr roT said...

This is truly beautiful.

This O'Keefe guy is a genius.

Tecumseh said...

Under the bus. Yet another innocent victim of the VRWC.

Mr roT said...

Not a good name to be named Schiller.

Ode to Joy.

Tecumseh said...

Schiller needs to spend some quality time with the family.