Monday, May 02, 2011

2/19 and Other Thoughts and Strategeriserations


Mr roT said...

M.I.T. linguist and international gadfly Prof. Noam Chomsky: “This kind of killing for hire, conducted by the agents of a transnational hyperpower on the soil of an impoverished, developing country that is still recovering from the brutal heritage of Western colonialism, accomplished in secret then trumpeted by the agents of Corporate Media, is just what we have come to expect from the Warfare State.

Priceless. I am in Barcelona now and this is the company line at the University, from what I have overheard.

They go topical on their t-shirts, these Catalans. First of the day was a "Kill Bush" variation on "Kill Bill" logo. Second was a smiley face with blood streaming from a bullet wound to the forehead.

I don't know if the second was in admiration of out SEALs or the opposite.

On the way home, I overheard a weird Catalan lecturing an American colleague to the effect that they really ought not be speaking, given the crimes America commits.

Goddam, makes me love Madrid....

Tecumseh said...

I prefer Aragón to Catalunya. At any rate, do your buddies in Barcelona pine for the Kingdom of al-ʼAndalus that Binnie promised them?